Age 18, Aileen moved out and moved in with Celexa. Age 22, their life is comfortable. Fine grades, harmonious relationship, stable enough job to pay for tuition and basic everyday needs. Yet, there is something that bothers both of them without end:...
"And then you know what? She said...." Gossip fills the hallway as Aileen Ares leaves the classroom. After another whole day of lectures and of that one professor going way over time than he should have, Aileen, per usual, finds herself laughing along with her friends as they reach the four-way hallway. "I can't believe Professor ___ made us stay for an extra half an hour!" Her friend complains as she throws her hands up into the air. "I know, right? We should've just left. I have other things to do, you know!" Another friend sighs in exasperation.
It didn't take long till they reached a turn in the hallway, but it did take a moment for them to realize that it was time to split. "Well, I'm going this way, so I'll see you guys tomorrow!" "Me too! Bye bye!" Two of her friends say and wave goodbye before walking off around the corner. "I'm going to hang out in the cafeteria. Wanna come?" The one that remained asks Aileen, and with a smile, she shakes her head.
"I'll pass. I'm done for the day, so I'll be heading back. I need to go pick up groceries. Our fridge is empty now, you see." The friend hums in understanding, and Aileen waves happily as he bibs her goodbye and walks away.
As soon as he is out of sight, her hand slowly drops back to her side. She's still shaking, she knows she has been shaking. And now that she isn't running on adrenaline to keep talking, she can feel it stronger than ever.
With her earlier energy sucked out of her at once, her smile drops down to a frown as she sighs. And, oh, is she tired. Without another moment to waste, she makes her way out of campus.
She loves her friends. Please don't get her wrong. If push comes to shove, she will die for them without a moment of hesitation. But as much as she loves them, she is undoubtedly tired. And as if all the exhaustion from today is dropped down at her at once, Aileen cannot find it in herself to stay out in public any longer.
Right now, all she wants is a nap. Yes, a nap would be nice. But something tells her deep inside that it would not help her feel better in the slightest.
She heads to the nearest grocery store.
"And would you like a bag today?" The cashier smiled as Aileen paid for the items she had brought. In return, Aileen smiles from muscle memory and nods, "That will be great, thank you." The smile seems to be convincing enough if the glow in the cashier's eyes is anything to go by.
"Please have a wonderful day." Aileen doesn't forget to add as she picks up the bags from the table and walks out of the shop. And just like before, the smile disappears not seconds after the door shuts behind her.
Truth be told, it is taking everything in her not to stop in the middle of the busy street and drop the bags in her hands to a standstill. But her apartment is just around the corner, and there are eggs in the bag, so there is no way she can do that. Just a little more, she tells herself, just a little more, and she can finally lay down. So, focusing on balancing and putting one foot in front of the other, Aileen presses a button, and the elevator starts to rise.
Opening the door while holding three bags was not the most convenient thing to do. Still, she manages to enter her home without dropping a single item. And, as the familiar smell hits her senses, she can feel herself relax ever so slightly as a pair of hands takes the groceries off her hands. "Welcome home, Ai." In front of her, stands the one she will live for.
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