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Error was sitting at the edge of the school playground, just waiting for recess to end so they could go back inside and he could stop waiting around. He didn't dare to play, not with the other kids that would hurt him without a second thought. He was funny.

Yet unexpectedly, a hooded figure his size climbed the fence on the other side of the field and started walking over. Error jolted, looking back at the teachers to see none of them had noticed. Weird.

Looking back at the stranger he recognized glowing yellow sockets staring from under that hood. Holy fuck, it was that kid. Pants kid. There wasn't anything even remarkable about his pants, they were just a pair of jeans, too. Error again, glanced back to see none of the adults had noticed. Weren't they supposed to notice someone literally climb over the fence?

Yet the other guy was already hesitantly waving. His phalanges were yellow! Like Error! Well, partly. He still had red, unlike the stranger. This guy was fucking weird.
"How the fuck did you do that without the teachers seeing you?" He demanded. Hey, he was a little scared. They tended to watch him pretty closely since.. some incidents, and yet here this guy was, jumping the fence and talking to him without a single adult noticing.

"I'm difficult to notice." The other replied.
"What kind of mysterious shit is that? You're literally the most obvious dumbass in the world, you look almost like me!" He gestured wildly, unsettled.
"You would be surprised." Came the enigmatic response.

Error stared in bewilderment, then scoffed, throwing up his hands.
"Fine! Whatever! Be mysterious and shit. Not my problem. Why are you here?"
"I wanted to talk." Pantja stated, sitting down next to the woodchips where Error had been sitting before.
"Wh- huh? The fuck? Did you stalk me or something? And get your nasty ass away from me, I know you're sleeping in sewers."

Unperturbed, he scooted away. "I saw you here." He explained vaguely. Still didn't say if he stalked them or not, but on second thought Error realized it'd be kind of impossible for someone to follow his mom's car on foot.
With that reasoning, Error slowly sat down again, nervous.
"..Why did you want to talk to me?"

Pantja blinked, his white eyelights studying Error in some way that felt kind of invasive. He wasn't sure how.
"Don't look at me like that, freak." He snapped, uneasy.
Those plain yet intense lights flicked away. "I'm sorry. I was curious. I.. I really have never seen someone look so much like me before."
"Only one of us has a striped face here, and it's not you." Error pointed out, uncomfortable at the calm, smooth voice that sounded uncannily like himself.
Just. Without the static and shit. And maybe a bit deeper. Like, a little bit. And sounding weirdly old.

"Why don't you play with the others?" Pantja asked, changing the subject.
"Well why don't you, asshole?" Error bristled.
There was an odd glint in those lights, almost like the motherfucker was amused by him.
"I'm a stranger to them. I don't belong here. I want to, though."
"Sucks to be you." Error retorted.
That actually made Pantja snort.
"What, that's funny to you?"
"You're so grumpy."

Error stared at him like the nutcase he was.
"Did you just fucking call me grumpy? What, you think you're older than me?"
The amused grin never left the other's face.
"I know I'm definitely older than you."
"Sure you are, you fuckin' pipsqueak."
"I'm actually a little taller than you."
"You're short, dumbass."
"I'm a child. So are you."
"Fuck off." He was a little annoyed that he was kind of amused himself. He didn't want to laugh, this freakazoid had waltzed in here and started chatting him up like they were besties!

"Are the others not nice to you?" The weirdo changed the subject. He sounded like gross, concerned grown-ups despite his tone sounding.. casual. Weird. Again.
"The fuck do you think?" Error quipped, leaning on his kneecaps and glaring at the fence.
"There's no point bothering them."

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