Thousands of Years Ago

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(This should be the only chapter this weird. I know it might be hard to understand, but it's important as it is the prologue, and it's supposed to be in a little confusing. You're supposed to understand how different the 'being' the POV is written in, how confused it is at humans and even monsters. I hope you guys can push through though!)

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Once, intelligence and language were new to the world. As such, it was new to the power of magic.
As a result, it reacted strongly to sapience.
It was drawn to it, different aspects attaching to different traits. Some were favored more than others. Both consciousness and magic influenced each other.

It reached a point that both could understand parts of one another, despite being so different from one another. Simple creatures growing to comprehend magic just as bits of magic understood certain aspects of the thinking beings.
Emboldened by this, magic dived deeper. Following mortals and their wills in varying patterns, eager to fulfill curiosity, to amuse itself in the delight and prosperity of the creatures.

In time, magic and creatures bonded even closer, one helping the other as best it could with limited comprehension. Magic was able to weave itself into the beings, creating more that were itself.. but also not. Finally bits of magic could glimpse the world through the same eyes, though not yet with the same mind. It yearned to understand.
It longed to comprehend the creatures that could truly begin to think like itself, all while remaining attached to physical forms and the influence of instincts.

With its deeper understanding, magic grasped the mortal desires of humanity and its vessels, the monsters. The wish was simply this: to sustain their bodies, to live on the earth alongside the not quite thinking creatures and not suffer the needs of their bodies. To not starve, to not be thirsty, to not hurt, not be in danger, and to explore.
This, it could grasp.
And out of attachment, this, magic gave.

But only so many could accept how magic could speak, only so many dared to follow the call to the land it could best give them what they wanted.
After all, magic could not speak as they did, could not think as they could, and most importantly, could not yet grasp the fears given by flesh. The distrust of what was Other.

So it accepted the loss and guided many wanderers to a land held under ice. A land that had been so for longer than animals could warm their own blood, since the time of the scaled ones. A time that was now gone.

Magic took them to this land and kept them warm, treating them to the sight of the dance of light as it set about bringing it back to the life it once had long, long ago. Heating it and recreating the scaled ones that existed before. In excitement of this new thing it had not realized it could do, it altered them, changed the unthinking creatures into something more as the land warmed, ice giving way to torrents of water that would not touch the thinking creatures.

The land was alive once more, but no longer would it prey upon the thinking ones…. The people.
No, the people would be safe to live as they wished, creating what they could with their own work and what little they could communicate to the magic that also dwelled within them.
And as they created, it watched, delighted at the strange things they were capable of now that peace cradled them. So fascinating, so new. Magic could not think as them, did not have the same ideas and imagination. It adored the uniqueness of it all.
…And it wished to be part of it.

Nevaska grew and changed, becoming stranger as the people understood magic better, able to create great structures to house themselves as they cared for the land that kept them safe from the harsh world beyond.
And magic.. wished to understand how they thought.
It placed more and more of itself in their miniscule bodies, becoming more and more part of them- then one day, a new being was born.

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