The Intelligent Child

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Did he mess up? Did he already ruin a friendship?

"It's fine, broski." Fresh reminded him of his presence, walking forward. "He'll chill out for a bit. He gets agitated a lot. Thanks for stickin' up for me though. You didn't need to." He assured, patting his shoulder.
"I don't want him to hurt his own family in frustration. I know he's mostly just scared for Geno. I feel it when he talks about him. Geno.. is really important to him, and he feels frustrated that you don't love him the same. I.. I think he considers you.. evil? For that?" Nix shuddered then, the statement bringing up awful memories.

"Guess it can't be helped." Fresh shrugged, pocketing his hands.
"I'm more of an unwitting neutral guy here."
At that, Nix stared at him. Fresh blinked, but otherwise returned the gaze.
"..You do care. You just can't.. feel it."
"Sure." He shrugged again, disbelieving.

Nix looked down, knowing he was aware of things simply no one else could feel. He could see the Soul, something made of both magic and material that was rarely altered by magic itself. It knew, when the structures first came, that it was dangerous to alter the natural forms they took.
But the greater plane had come to recognize patterns, aware of how they generally should be.

That understanding was part of him, and with it, he could see what was different, what was blocked.
Nix reached out and tapped Fresh, right on his sternum.
"Uh, whatcha doin' there?"
He didn't respond. Simply poked with energy. It was loose already, trying to flow while the magic forming the barrier was afraid to break, afraid to alter what had been since the child's birth. He simply.. impressed that it was alright.

He wasn't sure if that helped, but he stepped away all the same.
"You have the capacity to feel. It's just locked away." He explained vaguely. Let the other see his poke as making a point. Fresh didn't need to know he'd been meddled with.
"Kay.. wanna grab a snack while Error cools off?"
He hesitated, glancing up towards the door Error had vanished behind. It was the first time Error got truly angry at him.
"Alright." He agreed faintly, following when Fresh turned and left.

"Hey, Ma." Fresh greeted his mother, the woman standing at the island in the middle of the kitchen, zipping up baggies.
"Hi, sweetie. And hey there, Nix! Do you like it here so far?"
Smiling wide like the other children his age, Nix replied as happily as he could. "It's very nice! I learned how to play Gang Beasts!"
She snorted at that. "That game, huh? I was hoping for something a little less aggressive, but what's done is done. Is Error still playing?" She seemed rather hopeful at that, though expecting otherwise.

"Nah, he went upstairs cuz' Nix defended me?" Fresh explained, a bit confused. She cringed at that, stepping closer. "Are you okay?" She asked both of them, adding apologetically to Nix. "I know his treatment to his brother isn't very nice to see."
"He's told me before how angry he feels." Nix admitted, trying to sound small.
"I just think it's stupid to hate someone because they can't feel. It just hurts everyone else instead."

He ignored the look Fresh was giving him for the unusual shift in tone and behavior. Thankfully, he said nothing as the mother sighed sadly.
"You're quite perceptive for your age. I'm glad you're friends with him, he doesn't have very many."
"None of us have many friends, Ma." Fresh stated pointedly. She nodded patiently. "I can be proud when one of you three makes another friend."

Nix watched the interaction, a little confused. This wasn't how children this age behaved with their parents. Granted, Fresh clearly didn't act emotionally but logically instead, but it was still unfamiliar.
"Is something the matter?" The woman asked him, a little concerned.
"Is it how I talk?" Fresh asked intuitively.
Nix nodded, still lost but welcoming the blunt address of the question.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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