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me and the boys deiced to go to the mall for a you-tube video we went to different stores and decided to get our ears pierced for the second time and darren being darren crying wanting to hold someone's hand so i said would hold his hand for once 

regie: bro stop crying

darren: no it hurts 

oli: you are a crybaby 

seb: bro just stop crying 

darren: i know you not talking you was just crying tears  

seb: i was faking 

ryan: CAPP BRUH 

justin: i hate ya'll we are in a store and people are watching 

kane: i am going to get a snack  

regie: be save please 

justin: can we get ice cream 

kane: sure do you guys want some 

oli: yes ofc we do 

ryan: okay darren get done so we can get ice cream and i can swipe us out 

darren: okay okay 

worker: you ready now 

darren: yeah just do iTTTT why did you do it 

worker: you said do it duh 

regie: i like her bro 

darren: whatever lets go 


anna: bitch 

izzy: what it's true you slept with our old  teacher after high school did you not 

anna: i did but you make it sound wrong 

izzy: it is 

anna: it's not bitch i was 18 and he was hot 

izzy: suree want ice cream 

anna: is that even a question 

izzy: i take that as a yes 

 they walk to the ice cream shop in the mall and was about to walk inside when someone walked into izzy 

izzy: you a hoe i can't beli-

regie: sorry are you okay 

izzy: yeah sorry bye 

anna: wow 

izzy: what?

anna: nothing it's just he was hot

izzy: you a hoe 


oli: bro she was hot did you get her number 

regie: n-no she blowed me off what.the.fuck

seb: that hurts his ego 

regie: your damn right it hurts 

ryan: maybe she has a boyfriend 

kane: true 

justin: umm she is most likely not single reg sorry 

darren: or maybe he is just ugly ass fuck 

regie: i will kill you bro 

anna: sup 

oli: hey 

anna: you think my best friend is hot 

regie: i mean if the shoe fits 

anna: ohh okay i can get you her number 

oli: hold on you want to give your best friend number out to him without knowing him

anna: yeah pretty much 

seb: i don't trust her 

anna: how about you kiss my ass 

kane: wow i like her 

ryan: umm i think we should let regie pick if he wants the number 

regie: yes i want the number duh 

anna: name,age,hobbies,what do you do for a living, why last relationship ended

regie: um my name is regie macalino and i am 22 and i do youtube and my hobbies are gaming and singing and my ex cheated 

 anna: good good 

oli: okay this is fishy 

anna: the only thing fishy is your breath brush your teeth dude 

seb: what the fuck you you-

anna: me me what okay then 

seb: i don't like you 

anna: aww that is the sweetest thing someone has said to me 

kane: bro marry me 

ryan: bro what the f-

izzy: anna 

anna: hey 

izzy: come i am leaving and stop hitting on people for once 

anna: i am not hitting on them 

seb: bye smart mouth 

anna: bye hairy ass and regie here 

regie: thank you 

anna: no problem 

oli: you are kind cool but mean 

anna: really me cool haven't noticed

izzy: okay i don't like this bye walk home bitch or get knocked up i don't care 

ryan: bye

kane: bye wifey 

justin: shit you guys are some SIMPSSSS

oli: us nooooo

izzy's POV 

izzy: what did you do hoe 

anna: nothing now give me my ICE CREAMMM

izzy: lets go home and clean your damn room

anna: it's not dirty 

they go home and and shower and do their night routine and anna cleans her room while izzy makes food and then they ate and went to their rooms and watch tv till they get sleepy and goes to sleep

 love you kisses 

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