are they dating?

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addy ^

izzy's POV 

jack: izzy 

izzy: that's me 

jack: are they dating 

izzy: umm i don't know maybe 

jack: all my life i have been hanged on her 

izzy: calm down bro 

jack: no i want to be with her 

anna: i forgot my bag 

jack: anna are you dating anyone 

anna: no not yet 

jack:what do you mean not yet

anna: not yet 

jack: bye have fun 

anna: bye bye izzy she says with a wink at izzy 

izzy: she is dating him 

jack: how do you know 

izzy: she winked at me 

jack: oh whatever i am going for a walk 

izzy: love you 

oli: we have to go to 

izzy: yeah just lock the door on your way out 

seb: bye and don't forget to play val with me soon 

izzy: will do sir 

regie: bye jack 

izzy: no bye for me 

regie: yeah bye 

skip time 3 days

anna's POV 

jack: die die motherfuckers

seb: chill bro where are all the snacks 

jack: have no clue check the house 

seb: got it 

anna: am i invisible 

jack: oh your back 

anna: i mean yeah where is izzy 

jack: i don't know now get out 

anna: fine don't have to yell 

i walk around and didnt see her in her room so i check mine not in there then  checked the closet nothing i looked around the house but don't see her and then i just sat on the couch and about 30 mins later she came back 

anna: where have you been 

izzy: anna i haven't seen you in 3 days i missed you 

anna: hi and why is jack so mad is he on his period 

izzy: something like that

anna: oh anyways where were you 

izzy: i was getting food with oli 

anna: do you like oli 

izzy: no i don't 

anna: okay 

oli: we are going out soon so we need a babysitter 

izzy: but-

oli: he can't watch himself pleaseeeee

anna: i will

oli: thank you i love you so much

anna: but he has to come to my house i have guest that day 

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