Week 1

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The silence of the cockpit of his TIE Phantom could be deafening. When travelling through hyperspace there was a vacuous sound that at times seemed to be driving him mad! On this occasion Lasher found his eyes widening at the sight in front of him. At first it was a face- a face that flickered in and out of focus. A face that he surely knew. The face of a Jedi. The face of an enemy. One he had not seen that long ago. Her name was Mirth and she was only a few years his junior.

Her face flashed back again into focus. But this time more of her body came with it. She was so close he could reach out and touch her. But Lasher didn't for fear of what may happen. She was only a padawan! So how was this happening? She had not the power to bring about such a connection using the force. Lasher was certain he hadn't caused this- even if his subconscious had connected the two he hadn't the great amount of power needed to do such a feat! How then? That question remained unanswered.

She scowled at him. But Lasher wasn't surprised. What else would he expect her to do? The last time he had seen this Jedi student he was locked in a death duel with her fellow students. He wouldn't leave that day before two of her fellow Jedi lay dead at his hand. That was the day Lasher turned on his fellow Jedi. Or at least that was the day his treachery was revealed.

Mirth was the name of this young padawan whose image was before him in his cockpit as his TIE Phantom hurled through hyperspace. She had not fought against him that day but had been present. The battle happened so fast and was so unexpected. It took many students by surprise. Many young Jedi students were frozen in fear while some even fled in terror. Mirth had ignored her lightsaber and was about to enter the fray when Lasher made good his escape.

"What do you desire of me?" Mirth scowled at the Sith Lord whose image had disrupted her morning.

"This is not my doing padawan," Lasher replied in a matter of fact manner.

"Ew, do not call me that! " Mirth's anger boiled up creasing her brow.

Before Lasher could reply the connection flickered, Mirth's image becoming unstable with each passing moment. Lasher thought she said something else but the sound was muffled and not clear enough to decipher. Another flash or two and the image of the young padawan was gone. Lasher was left a bit shaken. He was unsure of what had just happened. But the why of it was even more perplexing.

Lasher's thoughts immediately turned to his master. Master Veenla. Would she know about this? Did she have something to do with it? Lasher doubted this. He had felt the sure signs of the light side of the force at work there. Veenla would have had no part in something so obviously to do with the light. But Lasher had no mistaken feelings about this. He had felt the pull of the light side of the force. There was no mistaking this!

It seemed like it was a long time ago. But actually it hadn't been that long since Lasher had been in league with the infamous group known as the Knights of Ren. He had been sent to retrieve an artifact by his master Veenla Knight when he was captured by the bounty hunter Ves Vipeer. Vipeer locked him into his cargo hold with another prisoner, Montigus. Montigus was a member of the Knights of Ren. He immediately took an interest in Lasher due to his knowledge of the dark side of the force. Montigus also had a passion for the dark arts.

Ves Vipeer had been hired by the Rebel Alliance to capture Lasher and several other dark side force users. Ves had no particular love for the Rebel Alliance but neither did he have a fondness for the Galactic Empire. Like many other bounty hunters he was driven by profit and greed. He had no moral values that guided him. Good and evil were concepts he didn't put much faith in. It was essential for Viper to put food on the table. It was good for him to have the best equipment and the deadliest weapons.

Ves Vipeer's cargo hold was not secure of enough of a prison to successfully hold his two prisoners. Unfortunate as it was for the bounty hunter, Montigus was somewhat of an escape artist. He was an expert engineer and a master with electronics. This combined with Lasher's ability with the dark side of the force gave the two prisoners a distinct advantage. The cargo hold of Ves Vipeer's space transport made for an especially inadequate prison hold.

After making an easy escape, Lasher and Montigus met back up with the other members of the Knights of Ren.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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