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POV (The Author was confused when she wrote this too)


“You know. Studies show that one in five women in the US have experienced completed or attempted rape and that most of them end up falling pregnant and choose to keep the baby. If that happens to be the case with you no one will judge you if you don’t want to keep the baby. What you went through was traumatic, but I’ll have you know that there isn’t anything wrong with you. Even if you did orgasm it doesn’t mean that you enjoyed the assault”

“Yeah, whatever woman, tell that to someone who cares. ” I responded while looking at my nails. “Are we done here?”

" Isabella, I understand that what you are going through is difficult for you to process but...”

“Shut up!” I cut her off. “You don’t know what I’m fucking going through. Your body didn’t fucking betray you. You didn’t get raped while having everybody you’ve ever cared about watch. You’re probably going to get a big fat check after this then discuss how your day went with your husband over some chicken alfredo.”

“I- I’m just trying to help you” she stuttered.

“No, you’re not. You’re just trying to get paid. Now get the fuck out of my face.” I snarled before hauling the blade I had in my hand in her direction. It landed right next to her neck.

The blondie ran out of the room faster than I’ve seen any bitch ever move. I am so angry. I’m angry at everyone but I’m mostly disappointed in myself. How could my own body do this to me?

“If you glare at that glass any longer it will surely break” Daria chuckled before walking slowly towards me. Ever since the incident she’s been much nicer to me, and I know why. She pities me, she thinks I’m weak.

“Yeah well at least my body will do something right for once” she was about to open her mouth when I cut her off. “Keep following me and I’ll break your bones limb by limb.” I got close to her and put my blade on her throat. Her breath hitched. “We are not sisters, stop trying to act like we are.”

I then proceeded to exit the room with a satisfied look on my face. The sound of a throat being cleared made me look up. No fucking way!

“What the fuck do you people want here?” Daria said in a deadly tone. I rolled my eyes but let her do the talking. “Haven’t you done enough damage?”

“If you could just let us speak to the person whom we’ve come here to talk to that would be appreciated” Amara said in a snarky tone.

Once upon a time I would have laughed at her antics but now.... I was beyond pissed off. It felt as if they were mocking my downfall. Daria looked at me for confirmation as to whether or not I wanted to talk to them.

“If it’s not worth my time then you can kill them” I said while shrugging my shoulders.

Amara looked over at Sienna who then proceeded to open her mouth but before a sound could leave her mouth a loud gunshot resonated in the room which made everyone flinch.

“Stay away from her” Devina said to them.” I don’t give a shit what you people have to say. If you never called her a monster she wouldn’t have stayed in Russia and maybe just maybe she wouldn’t have gotten raped”

“Put the gun down we are not here for a fight” Amara said calmly. It seemed as if her words passed right by Dev’s ears because that made her point the gun straight at Amara’s head.

“Make me” Devina said and that is how all hell broke loose. Everybody pointed a gun at the next until we were at a stalemate.

“What the hell is going on here” Alexei’s voice roared as he announced his arrival. Nobody flinched. Nobody even made an attempt to put their weapons down.

“Put your weapons down. не заставляйте меня повторяться” Ilya said to us, and we had to comply (Don’t make me repeat myself)

“I invited them here because they said they have useful information on how we can find the people who assaulted you. I thought you could be reasonable adults and just sort this out by yourselves, but I guess I was wrong. Now sit down and listen to what they have to fucking say” Alexei said then proceeded to sit in the dining room. Like a flock of sheep, we followed.

The Accardi’s sat on one end of the table while we sat on another. Alexei nodded his head and that’s when Amara started talking.

“Firstly, I’d like to say what happened to you was really uncalled for and we will help you find who did this to you. I can’t imagine the same thing happening to my -”


“We’re not here for small talk. Get to the fucking point” Devina said while putting her gun away. I gave her a small nod of appreciation to which she gave me a toothy smile. That’s my best friend!

Amara cleared her throat and kept talking as if nothing happened. “Well as I was saying. We managed to contact someone from the reaping. The one you attended” No...they couldn’t have. “It wasn’t easy but we managed to get on of their trusted employees to come. We didn’t want you to be absent in case you had specific questions to ask”

“Where is this member if I may ask” Devina said.

“In the car with Giovanni”


We all waited for the person’s arrival. A clicking sound was heard on the tile. The smell of pinewood invaded my senses. He was here. I gasped upon looking at him. He looked like....well shit. His eyes had dark circles underneath and he seemed so worn out. What happened to him?

" He hasn’t been able to sleep ever since he saw that video of you getting violated. I mean yeah we felt bad for you and stuff but him....it hit him the most. He really isn’t okay without you” Alonzo whispered as if he sensed what I was thinking.

Behind him was a girl who looked my age. She had orange highlights in her hair and her green eyes pierced my soul. A weird feeling hummed through my body. She felt like....home. In a trance I walked closer to her. A tug on my wrist stopped my actions. Devina shook her head slowly then stood in front of me.

The girl’s face fell. As if she too was disappointed by the fact that she couldn’t see me in her line of sight, she had felt it too.

“No fucking way......Roxanna?” The girl whose name we didn’t know said. Roxanna whipped her head to the direction of the girl. “Mara!!” she screamed then ran towards her and they started making out. What the actual fuck was going on!?

Giovanni arched an eyebrow at me and I shrugged my shoulders. I was as lost as he was. As if sensing everybody’s confusion Roxanna turned towards us. “Oh hi I’m Roxanna but you can call me Roxy. I know you guys are so confused right now and I’m sorry that I’m not going to make this easier for you” she took a breath.

“First thing’s first” she looked at me. “Mirabella needs your help”

The world went dark.

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