♡ chapter one.

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during school.

3rd pov.

"does anyone have a clue what we'll talk about today?" mr. seo spoke as he slap down papers at each table.

"umm i don't know?" an student spoke as they was confused on why as this important, all the lectures was boring so why was this one different than the rest.

mr. seo sighed as he spoke "today for this is more of an effort, who believes in right person, wrong time."

i believe in it, of course i did. i'll do anything to have my right person, as long we had the perfect time this time. hyunjin thought, he sighed as the argument was being made by fellow students. his mind drift off as his mind kept bring up his person.

"well write it down into an essay and i'll need that done by end of the month, it's counting as a test scores. besides that we'll do study partners so you all can have time to come up with ideas or statements with help of your partners, yes you both will need do your own essay." mr. seo said as the students groans.

"seo changbin and jung wooyoung, you two will be a pair." mr seo spoke, he smiled as he saw next to pairs. odd pairing but sure? he chuckled

"hwang hyunjin and bang chan"
"han jisung and yang jeongin"
"lee felix and kim seungmin"
"moon kevin and bae jacob"
"song mingi and lee minho"

teacher went on the rest of the list, as soon he was done announcing partners, he excused the class for the day and the rest left the room. some stayed to do extra work, hyunjin was stunned by the partnering. he wasn't sure if that was an ideal in his case, sure he knew bang chan but he didn't know how to approach him.

doesn't he hate me.. ah this gonna be a long month. he thought, small rush of anxiety drift his way.

"hey love!" felix came running towards him, engulfed him in a hug. looking up towards him as he quickly pecked his cheek.

"oh- hey felix.." hyunjin mumbled, exiting his trance of feelings and grabbing his stuff from the table.

"i'm sad we aren't partners, i mean i can help you if you feel like it! we don't need to be official study partners but.. i can help, i am your boyfriend after all." he smiled as he interlocked their fingers, felix didn't know why but yes he was the one who initiated skin-ship between them. deep down it hurt felix, just a little.

"mm no it's okay felix, it's my grade and i need to work on it. plus i don't want hold you back, you have your partner so i'm okay." hyunjin mumbled.

"oh seungmin, yeah no i don't think i can work with him. he always cold towards me, does he hate me?" felix spoke as they walked out the uni building, hyunjin just hummed.

"i mean seriously how can he be so smart yet so mean, i needs chill out or at least not be mean to me! it's unbelievable." felix rambled on and on, to hyunjin he tuned out felix.

while the walk to the café, it was cold, breeze brush pass his face as much as he wanted to remove his hand from felix's, he knew he couldn't. i just want to be warm.. i wish.

hyunjin mind drove to a place where he couldn't get off his mind. "hey are you listening to me?" younger male said, earning a nod before hyunjin spoke "so do you believe in right person wrong time?"

"well yes and no?"

"why that answer?" he smiled, his curiosity got the best of him, he just wanted to hear what felix answer was.

"hyunjin, you're my person. even though we aren't broken up or will not be, i will wait for you. you're my reason, my world and my light." felix spoke as he stopped that yanked hyunjin hand slightly to make his glaze towards felix.

"you're my right person, right time." younger male cheerfully said as he kissed his cheek.

i wish i felt the same way, i really do.

if only.
699 words <3

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