☆ chapter eight.

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3rd pov.

"i don't ever want to forget this feeling"

"hyunjin? hyunjin! wake up." jeongin shook his friend awake, he was annoyed slightly about waking up a 23 year old as if he was a kid.

"huh? wait what time is it.. why am i here?"

"first of all, 30 mins until class and you went sleep here? maybe because its your room?"

"what about seungmin?" hyunjin mumbled this time

"seungmin? i didn't see him here so.. get ready, we need leave in 10 mins." jeongin glared at his best friend, sure jeongin was a tease but his schooling was more important than teasing hyunjin at this moment. "okay i'll get up."

'please don't be a dream, not this one'

arriving on campus he split ways with jeongin as he knew his best friend wanted see his own boyfriend, or fling? he doesn't know if the title became just yet, hyunjin stopped as he tried find the familiar boy. 'kim seungmin where are you?'

"hi love!" his heart dropped as he turn around to hug the figure, engulfing him in a hug. "i missed you." hyunjin said as he sighed, felix smiled and hugged back. "same! never leave me alone, please?" hearing felix voice brought him back to reality 'don't be a dream' "so tonight can we watch a movie? or do you have to study? practice?" black hair male shaking his head "i don't. i might hang out with jeongin though, you can come with?" felix beamed and nodded, excited he was about be with hyunjin like old times. how it used to be when, or he thought so.

"i'll talk you later?" blonde smiled and kissed hyunjin cheek.

walking away from the boy, he sighed as he continued to scan for seungmin. before turning around and heading towards the one place he knew.

"seungmin." hyunjin said before tapping his shoulder "huh? oh hyunjin." seungmin mumbled as he continued to write in his notes, slipping his airpods back in. "seungmin wait-"

"what do you want hwang hyunjin." seungmin taking his phone and pausing his music, he was upset since he didn't wanna talk with hyunjin and he wanted to write in his notes.

black hair took a deep breath as he wanted to know "yesterday was that real?"

"what was real?" seungmin asked before sighing

"you let me come home with you? you even.."

"stop your pushing your delusions on me hyunjin, we haven't seen each other since our talk about the paper." he sighed, putting away his airpods

"seungmin i swear it was real, it felt real? this is pathetic, i'm just losing my mind about this."

"look hyunjin, nothing happened. it's weird if you dreamt it since we have nothing to do with each other anymore." older felt his heart hurt "also don't you lie often? you lied couple times to me, its not far-fetch if that's it." seungmin said in monotone expression.

"seungmin.. did i hurt you?" hyunjin mumbled softly

"no, i'm just annoyed you're acting like we are friends, we may have a pass but i don't ever want to cross path with you. it's hard enough seeing you act like you care, it's pathetic actually, how you're dreaming of something that's dead. the things we shared died, the relationship we had is dead. the memories shouldn't matter anymore hyunjin, just stop making me part of your life still." staring at hyunjin before he got up to leave the room, leaving his notes and bag in the room with hyunjin.

"i know this is stupid, it hurts a lot more than you know seungmin." spoke softly in a silent room, walking over to the notebook that was open and he read.

'what would happen if this plane went down? i never knew my love could be like an airplane, fall down if it isn't strong enough and down we go.'

649 words <3

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