Chapter 2

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I wake up the next morning to the smell of breakfast being cooked downstairs. I didn't know Sammy would be awake before me, but he was. As I descended the staircase I saw him standing at the stove flipping pancakes. Yet again, so cute.

"Well well well, the party boy lives on to see another day" I saw kiddingly as I come down the last few steps in a large tee and my hair in a messy bun. Sammy turns his head and laughs and says "very funny" and turns back to flipping the pancakes.

Sammy was only wearing shorts, no shirt. And his hair was all messy. He looked like he hadn't slept in about twelve weeks and it was such a turn on to see him like that.

I walk up behind him and my heart over rides my brain and I hug him from behind and begin to lean over his should to kiss him on the cheek but then quickly stop myself. I don't know why I did that...

"Well good morning to you too, y/n" Sammy says with a surprised tone

"..uhm good morning." I say awkwardly and try to play it off. "You didn't have to make breakfast!"

"Y/n, you did me a huge favor last night. This is the least I can do. Besides, you weren't awake yet and I was hungry" he says with a half smile and a wink. I nudge his arm playfully and just then I feel how muscular his arms are.

"Damn Sam when did you get so big?" I say sarcastically.

"Ever since I had to flip these pancakes all by myself, y/n. It's hard work out here."

"Need my help? I've got bigger guns that you and Kenny combined" i say jokingly. Him and Kenny always called each other out on having big guns, it was their thing.

"Oh yeah.. Is that so?" He asks curiously while raising one eyebrow. He knows I'm kidding and takes all the pancakes off the stove and puts them onto one big plate then walks out back to my balcony where I have my table and furniture set up.

After being so close to Sammy I could always pick up when he was going to say something sarcastic and goofy. This is why I loved being friends with Sam. We could always be stupid and silly and bounce off of each other's words. Everything just flowed so easily and normally, it was nice.

"Y/n? Are you gonna come back outside and eat with me?" Sammy asks concerned.

"Yeah sorry.. I guess I zoned out there for a sec, not fully awake yet." I reply and walk out the double doors to the balcony. The sun is so bright this morning and the view is just the same as it is every morning when I sit out back and drink my mango smoothies. But this mornings view was particularly exceptional thanks to Sam.

"Hey that's okay. Just get some food in your system, you were up late driving me home last night" he says and then we sit in silence for a little eating our pancakes and taking in the view of the

Was I seriously just so wrapped up in my thoughts about how much I loved being with Sammy that I tuned everything out? I refuse to believe this is happening. It can't. I can't like Sammy. If I like Sammy, then everything I love about us being together as just friends is ruined. It just won't be the same. I'd like to think that since we're already so comfortable with each other that nothing would change, and that just a label would be added to our constant hanging out and looking out for each other, but there's got to be more to it. I cannot like Sam. All the things I was just so previously caught up thinking about would be erased if something were ever to happen down the road and if things didn't work out.

But I can't help it. I think I'm starting to like Sammy, my best guy friend of 13 years. Or maybe I've had these feelings for a little while and I'm only just coming to terms with them and realizing it now..

But are these feelings real?

A/N: How do you guys like it so far?? Let me know!! Thanks so much for all the vote and comments and reads, keep voting :) you can also find this on my tumblr @feelingilinsky

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