that evil smirk

708 38 1

"Rain let's start over again na." Phayu said.
Holding Rain's hnds then kissed them lovingly.

Knock on the door.

"P' we have class na. The professor is looking for Rain na."  Sig said form the outside of the room.

"P' I have to go." Rain quickly moved grabbed his bag and run to the door.

Phayu just watch Rain go.

But he smiled.

"I am gonna chase you." He said.

The ahzers just watch the scenes quietly.

"Thanks na Sig" Rain said

"No really the professor is looking for you" Sig said.

"Khawtoot na khab" Rain said. As he enter the room....

"Just sit down." The professor said.
"University meet is coming but that is not vacation.
Rain I saw the deatils of your works that is why I looked for you.
I like how you work with Sky and Sig. I have an assignment for the three of you and if you pass. That will be your final grade." The professor said.

The three are happy.

Then the professor called another team this team have 4 members. Their work is bigger than is why there are four of them.

Then another group is called.

The professor grouped them and gave each group work.

They have two weeks to complete it.

The day finished.

"Damn this is gonna be busy week again.  Sig said.

"Then let's start planning our work." Sky said.

They have given assignments in the group.. they work on if then this weekend they will put together their work.

It's a simple bungalo type house but futuristic aesthetic.

They also have other outputs to work on it ther subject.

Rain is frustrated.
He pouted.

"Rain. " Sig called.

Rain looked at Sig who sits in front of him..

"Do me and Sky a favor na." Sig said.

"What?" Rain asked.

"Stop putting, stop smiling, stop showing facial expressions and emotions " Sig said in low volume voice almost whispering.

"Why?" Sky asked.

Siv showed them Rain's photo in different emotion.
Caption: his hair hots differently.

"Just ignore them that's nothing" Rain said.

Sky leaned on Rain.
"Who's attention you wanna gat again? You get mung early this morning but damn the hair hits differently" he said also almost whispering.

"Are we gonna talk about the hair. Or the outluts" Rain asked his friends.

"Okay" Sky said

And he begins to discuss how they start the aesthetic bungalow house  for a family of Five.

Rain designs each room. According to the description given to them.

Rain is researching for designs. Too busy that he did not notice people came to their table.

"Hi" one senior said.

Rain waiid and then he grabbed his bag.

"Sky I'll talk to you tomorrow." He said and ran off

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