Realisation, too close, ignore game [part 6]

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Karthik Pov:-

I am so sick and tired of staying in hospital finally i can go back home tomorrow and breathe in peace. i dont like staying idle and this is irking me too much. mom, dad, dadaji, dadiji everyone came in these two days to meet me as its been almost 3 days i have been hospitalized. dhara and ananya brought yummy healthy hand made mood for me.

Atharv didn't visit i knew he wont he is like this only but he sent kunal because he knows he will keep me entertained. but he was upset with something i can feel it, not only him everyone except mom and somu. strange thing is that drishti and kirti didnt come to meet me, maybe becoz kirti might get too much worried and thats why drishti didn't come too.

Honestly i am missing her so much, i wanted her beside me all the time but i couldn't just call her and ask her to come i dont have guts to do this after all the things i have done. it might sound pathetic or rude, weird i dont know but i am glad i met with an accident.

I know this sounds ridiculous but this accident made me realize worth of my life and also my love for my people. i met with an severe accident worst could have happened with me but i didnt get any severe injury. i am thankful to god for giving me this chance. giving me a chance to rectify my mistakes and make everything right.

And the first thing is i need to apologise to drishti, i need to seek forgiveness from her and confess my love for her, yes love i love her i dont know since when. i wont lie i was angry at her in starting months of our marriage and hated her but slowly slowly hate started fading but there was no love either, but she made me fall for her. but me being a pathetic loser and coward didnt confess my love.

I was the most happiest when kirti was born and she confessed her love for me but instead of embracing her i rejected her harshly. i thought it will be better if she is away from me i dont want to consume her in my past traumas, but now i cant anymore i dont wanna push her away and want to embrace her in my arms and hide her from the evil eyes of the world.


i got ready with help of kunal as i didn't allow nurse to help me dress up and the medicines made me irritated. "i am sorry kunal i should have listened to you sooner but now i will make everything right", "its late bhai" i was confused at his weird reply before i can say anything he again said "we are late lets go everyone must be waiting and atharv bhai is waiting in the car"yes atharv and kunal both came to pick me up as finally i am discharged from hospital. i was on news headlines

"Royal blood, Karthik Abhimanyu Rawal met with a severe accident and rushed to emergency",

"karthik rawal made it out from the severe accident with minor injuries; netizens showed affection and their prayers worked"

I reached the exit of hospital as many cameras flashed bodyguards and security pushed them back as i sat inside the car without even looking at them right now i just wanna go home and have a glimpse of my wife and daughter whom i haven't seen from 3 days.

We reached home and the car ride was silent we reached entrance as mom stopped me and did my aarti and then i entered. i looked around but didn't stop drishti and kirti, everyone was silent to why "she isn't here beta" my dadi said as i looked at ger with confused eyes. seeing my confusion mom said, "she left the rawal mansion and our lives, for good"

what the freaking hell, she left. rawal mansion. our life. more specifically she left ME.

thats what you wanted from almost 3 years right and you got it finally she is out of your life.

My subconscious mind said and i felt my heart beat skipping beat in anxiety did she really left, when i wanted to make everything right she left, NO NO she cant leave me not when i want to make everything right. she said me she would never leave me no matter what but did she left now.

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