A good day turning bad [Part 21]

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Kunal Pov:-

I was in my office in my cabin thinking about Ananya's words. She said I am just like her father, how can she say that? Her father was an alcoholic and a cheater, he abused his wife and forced himself upon her. Did I ever do something like that, I can't even imagine it. I was hurt, she hurt me a lot last night.

Ever since she came into my life, I have felt something inside me in every moment I was with her and realized that I fell for her but couldn't muster up the courage to say her so I decided to ask her to be friends so that she could know me more, she could know the real me. Seeing the look on her face, in her eyes I knew the feelings are mutual but why she said those words.

I know she had a traumatic childhood but one needs to face the past and move on from it for better future lie Atharv bhai did. Just thinking like that won't take us anywhere. I sighed, I miss her so much I wanna go home and take her in my arms and hug her tight, kiss her till she is breathless. But I cannot and i won't not until she takes back what she said. I am being childish so be it.

I was in my thoughts when a knock interrupted and Soumya came inside my cabin, oh god I am seeing her after a week, after that incident. I stood up and immediately hugged her as she hugged me back, "I missed you Soumya where were you these days , you didn't answer your calls and didn't replied to any texts" I said as she gave me a painful smile.

"I am so sorry bhai but I had few things to manage and I need to meet Atharv bhai too, but.." she looked down, why she has to look down just because of her mom. "Atharv bhai doesn't hate you Soumya" I said and she shook her head as tears started slipping from her eyes. "I don't know bhai how will I face him, I am too ashamed" she said and wiped her tears.

"But I have to face him, I have to give him this file and this pendrive" she said showing me the black file and pendrive . I nodded and we started going towards Atharv bhai's office. There are different office building built inside the premises of Rawal Industries, We all have our own office and his office is a publishing company.

We came inside his office as his P.A. led us to his cabin. We came inside with Soumya hesitating and bhai stood up and raised an brow, "what are you doing here?" he asked but stopped looking at Soumya. He never interacted with Soumya much just casual hi and hello's. "bhai Soumya wants to give you something"

I said and he looked at Soumya who was looking down, he came near her and she looked up but unable to meet his eyes she looked at me. "It wasn't your fault Soumya,  don't hate you and I will never after all you are the only sister I have" Atharv said and Soumya was about to hug him but stopped knowing he doesn't like anyone touching him.

He smiled at her finally his dimple smile after years and opened his arms for hug and Soumya hugged him tightly, "I am sorry bhai so so sorry please forgive me for taking mom's side" she cried and he tried to console her. After some time she stopped crying and sniffed, "As I said you are still my baby sister, never ever in your future look down just because of some other person not even when she is your mom because you didn't do anything wrong" Atharv bhai said and she nodded.

Lemme light up the surroundings, "Nobody hugged me, Atharv bhai you haven't hugged me in ages" I said and he rolled his eyes before pulling me in for hug. We talked for sometime and then Soumya left as she has designs to submit, she works in my office from past few months as a assistant designer but she is very good at her work maybe she will promote soon.

The Rawal brides have gone for shopping today ugh yeah girls day out is what Dhara bhabhi called it. I didn't see Ananya after she was wake as she didn't mean any word I know but still it felt like someone pierced my heart when she said those words. I hope Ananya realises it soon that I have genuinely fallen for her.

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