KARTHIK'S PAST [part 10]

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[mention of suicide and death, depression and other mature words]

Karthik Pov:-

Its been 1 week to the picnic day and my heart burns every time i see her with that mandy guy. I am trying hard to seek forgiveness from drishti but I know its not that easy to forgive me. I had my reasons but nothing can justify my actions and words I said to drishti all this years and I am ashamed of myself for that. I neglected her love, care and affection and now when this things are not there in my life I am craving for them and this time I am willing to reciprocate all the love, care and affection ten folds.

I cant live without her and I have decided i want to make my relationship strong with drishti, I need to gain her trust and love and trust can be gained when there are no secrets between two person. I dont want to hide about my past, my trust issues, my traumas anymore. I will tell her everything and then only I will take any other steps.

Drishti is trying her best to give me cold shoulder but her love for me is much more than any other feeling and I dont want her to lose that feeling for me. I am selfish for love, for her. She is my wife, in this life I wont let her go from my life, she is mine. As usual I was waiting outside her apartment, under her balcony. it's 10pm she comes out to throw trash at this time when I give her chocolates and sneakily give her cheek kiss and her angry face makes her look cute.

She came out and our eyes met, she looked away and went to throw the trash as I followed her taking the trash from her hands before throwing it. She glared at me, "how many times I should say I dont need your help" she said annoyed by me. "You are my wife and I dont like you doing these stuff", she scoffed and turned around to leave but i held her wrist stopping her, "leave me" she said trying to free her hand. 

"just listen to me once drishti", "i dont want to listen anything lemme go kirti is sleeping and mandy must be waiting". ugh that mandy his names makes my blood boil but calming my anger I said, "drishti just this once listen to me I wanna tell you something important about me, my past" she stopped her struggles and looked at me her eyes looking right into mine. "please come with me" "tell me here" "not here somewhere else" she thought for a second and called someone, "hello mandy I am with karthik please look after kirti and i will be back soon, yeah okay thanks" she looked at me and gestured towards the car.

We sat and I started to drive, the car ride was all silent I so wanted to hold her hands and keep her warm but I cannot. She was looking outside, I glanced at her face she is so beautiful her hair mic of brown and black, she has a mini real flower clip in her hair, her obsession with flowers is something else. her beautiful dark black eyes and cute nose. Her rosy petal like lips which I wanna kiss so badly, only time I kissed her was almost 3 years ago on our 2 month anniversary.  Stop it karthik focus on road.

We reached at the spot, it was a very small cozy place from where beautiful sceneries of kasauli can be seen. There were mini benches placed with dim fairy lights for a romantic setup for public. We sat on one of the benches and I took a deep breathe. "drishti I was never like this, and please dont think of me as a bad, heartless person after listening about my past" she nodded and i sighed. "it all started when i was in college, nikhil agarwal, me and vaishnavi were very good friends", "nikhil agarwal, that man from the reception party" she asked as i nodded. "we were best friends but got seperated because of vaishnavi, my first love" as these words rolled out from my mouth I can see a pang emotion in her eyes ofcourse which wife would love seeing their husband talking about their first love. 

"I wont interrupt you now, so..you... you can continue and tell me everything about her..i mean you" she said and looked down. I placed my pam on back of hers and she looked at me, "dirshti everything I will be saying is the past, my present and future are you. I am telling you this because I dont want any secrets between us as now. And I loved her in the past but now I love you and will always love you"

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