A Whole New World

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The summer after college my best friend Meg and I decided it was time to get out and explore the world. On a whim, we moved to London and found a modest flat to share on the west side, in an area the called Hammersmith. That was the easy part; turns out finding a job was a bit harder. Meg was the first to come home with an actual offer. The pay was modest but the work would be easy. She was offered the position as an administrative assistant at the BBC2 offices. I pried her for details.

"I don't know.." She lamented..."its some car show, with a bunch of middle aged guys. It's copying papers and filing stuff. General helping out the film crews. Nothing fantastic really."

My jaw dropped. "Top Gear....you mean to tell me you're working with the boys from Top Gear!?!?" I squealed in delight! I told her I wanted to know everything...everyday! What they wore what they talked about....how good James May smelled.....

"I don't know really. I haven't been close enough to smell him yet." Meg offered

"You've met him!?" I countered, heart racing.

"Yes. I mean it's no big deal." Meg said, not really understanding what a BIG deal this was. "They're all very nice gentlemen. They'll be in the office again on Thursday. Why don't you come meet me at the office and we can go to lunch? You know, hang about a bit and you never know who you'll meet."

My cheeks flushed at the very thought of it....Could I really meet them? What on Earth would I say?! I'll have to do my hair and make- up...Laughing at myself...I was as giddy as a school girl. I couldn't sleep. My mind was whirring with the possibility that I would be standing there ...*gulp*... face to face with Clarkson, Hammond and/or May.....Oh May! *Swoon*....must try to keep my composure....

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