Thursday Lunch Meeting

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It seemed like it took forever for Thursday to arrive. I parked my beloved Audi in the carpark about a block away from the BBC offices. I figured the walk would give me time to think and collect myself. The ride to the 4th floor on the elevator made my stomach drop. I was so relieved to find Meg at her desk. Her smile offered instant relief.

"Well, what do you think?" she beamed. "I think you'll like the view." She nodded in the direction over my left shoulder. I turned my head to see Clarkson 20ft away hunched over his computer typing, glasses slid down on the bridge of his nose. Hammond at a desk opposite him kicked back in the chair on the phone.

"Wow, just normal guys in the office I guess..." I hid my disappointment at not getting to see Mr. May, but we continued to chat while Meg got her things together to leave for lunch. I looked up at just the right moment to watch the elevator doors open revealing James May. He was dressed in jeans and black boots wearing his black motorcycle jacket, helmet in hand. He ran is hand through his hair as he walked.

My god he's going to walk right past me! Will I have the courage to say something? Suddenly his eyes met mine...CRAP! I'm staring at him and I just got caught. "Good afternoon" I smiled.

"Hallo." He replied as he passed.

I smiled to small victory. And he did smell good...of leather and sweat....he smelled like a man. "Ready for luch?" Meg asked, and we were on our way.

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