28: Diamond Rings

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"The bullet has had a severe impact on Ms. Park's condition. Given that she's in the final stages of cancer, her prognosis isn't good."

Seonghwa's jaw tightened at the doctor's words. When Seonghwa admitted Aerin to the hospital after her injury, he learned that she had blood cancer, which was deteriorating her health rapidly.

"How much time does she have left, Doc?" Seonghwa's voice was strained with worry.


Yunho's eyes widened in disbelief. Why would Seonghwa ask something so dire? There must be advancements in technology, some treatment that could offer a glimmer of hope.

"About six, maybe seven months. She's already lost her hair—what you see is a wig. She's not undergoing chemotherapy, so her condition is only getting worse."

Seonghwa slumped in his seat. The doctor's words hit hard; neither he nor Jimin had known about Aerin's suffering until now.

"Is there anything we can do to extend her life a bit longer, even just a little?" Yunho asked, desperately grasping at hope.

"I'm afraid not. Without chemotherapy or other treatments, there's nothing more we can do. I suggest you both focus on making her final months as happy as possible, fulfilling her wishes, and creating good memories."

Tears streamed down Seonghwa's face as he tried to absorb the reality that his sister had so little time left.

"What do you wish for, Aerin? What can we do for you?" Seonghwa asked gently, sitting beside her bed in the hospital room.

"Buy me the new Chanel purse," Aerin said with a small, teasing smile.

Seonghwa's eyes widened. He was taken aback by her choice of words. How could she think about luxury at a time like this? Aerin chuckled at his reaction.

"Just kidding," she said softly.

Seonghwa rolled his eyes, a mix of relief and annoyance showing.

"But seriously, since you're one of Korea's top lawyers, there's something I need from you."

Seonghwa raised an eyebrow. What could she possibly want now?

"I want you to ensure Choi Seungcheol gets a fitting punishment. I know Jeonghan will get him arrested, but I need him to face consequences that match his actions."

"And you want me to ensure he gets a death sentence or life imprisonment?"

"No," Aerin replied firmly, "I want to be the one to kill him myself. Protect him from severe punishment, then bring him to me."

"Aerin, are you serious? You still have feelings for him? You want to kill him yourself? Can you even do that?"

Aerin nodded resolutely. "I may have loved him, but his actions against me, Keeho, and so many others are unforgivable. Aerin Nicole Park doesn't forgive the wicked."

"But wouldn't it be better to let Karma take its course? You could just stay out of it."

"I don't believe in Karma. I am Karma. I loved him unconditionally, protected him through everything, and I will be the one to execute justice."

Seonghwa sighed deeply. "Fine. And what about the others—Jeonghan and Keeho?"

"For Keeho, let him suffer a bit but keep him alive. He shot me, and he needs to repent, but he was also a part of my life. As for Jeonghan, let him rot in prison. He's caused enough trouble."

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