soon you'll get better

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⚠️TW: ED⚠️

Song: Soon You'll Get Better

The next morning, Reputation was still asleep in her room, she woke up all night, she couldn't sleep properly. She was really excited, but she didn't felt so good as well. Her stomach was aching all night. And now she couldn't get off bed.


11:36 | Lover🩷: Is Reputation ok? She isn't responding to any of my text🥺🥺

11:36 | Fearless💛: idk

11:37 | Speak Now💜: I think she's in her room

11:37 | Debut💚: maybe she's sleeping chill girl🤠

11:39 | Red❤️: did someone took my lipstick?

11:39 | 1989🩵: def not me


Lover was really worried, did she forgot our date? Thought lover, it's not even a date calm down maybe she didn't want to come. Lover's thoughts were interrupted by Fearless and Debut going down stairs. They sat next to Lover on the sofa and started chatting.

"When do you wanna leave already?" Asked Fearless

"In about ten minutes" replied Debut.

"Ok, I got Rep's credit card" said Fearless

"Omg that's good news, I really wanted to buy that cowboy hat" said Debut smiling like crazy

"You saw Rep?" Asked Lover with a hint of worry in her voice

"We'll I came in her room and asked for it and she gave it to me" replied Fearless

"Is she ok? I didn't see her all day !" Asked Lover with a sad smile

"I don't know, she was lying in her bed. Maybe she's sick I have no idea" replied Fearless. Lover was more worried than ever, was Rep sick and Lover had no idea ? Suddenly Reputation came down stairs. She looked tired and sick. She sat down next to Lover and put her head on the girl's shoulder.

"I was worried sick !" Said Lover "are you ok?"

"I am don't worry" Said Reputation whispering "how about we go see that movie you were talking about?"

"Are you sure? You don't look too well" said Lover

"Yes let's go" replied Reputation "do y'all need a ride"

"Yes thanks you" replied Fearless and Debut in unison.

"Wait !" Said Lover "we're not matching ! We have to change, wait here girls" reputation giggled and followed Lover upstairs. When they came back they were wearing a pink matching dresses.

"Seeing Rep wearing that is the funniest thing ever" said Debut while laughing like crazy. Fearless snapped a picture and posted it on tweeter.


Fearless💛: this is the funniest thing ever
*rep and lover matching*

Speak Now💜: OMG IS THIS FR????

Folklore🤍: this is cute

Debut💚: gays ew 🏳️‍🌈❌

Reputation🖤: delete.


They were all in the car, Lover was driving, Debut and Fearless were talking and Reputation was asleep. When they arrived, Fearless and Debut left to go shopping. Lover didn't know if she should wake up Rep or not. She lightly shook Reputation, the girl woke up, she looked paler and sicker.

"We should do this another time Rep" smiled Lover

"I'm fine I swear" whispered Reputation

"No you're not, stop lying to me !" She said as she started driving away.

"I just wanted to make you happy" said Rep sadly

"But you already makes me happy sweetie" smiled Lover "You're everything to me ! Simply seeing you smile would make my day !"

"Thanks you Lov, I just wanted this afternoon to be perfect" shrugged Rep

"It's already perfect, I will get to take care of you when we get home!" Said excitedly Lover. The whole car ride was quiet, Rep had fallen asleep again. When they arrived Lover tried to make as less noice as she could, without waking Rep, she picked her up bridal style and went into the house. Midnights and Folklore were talking about their days.

"You need help?" Asked Midnights

"No I'm good thanks you" whispered Lover. She walked to Rep's room and lay down the girl gently on the bed. She put a wet cloth on her forehead, medicine on the bedside table, and waited next to her on the bed. Lover was watching her carefully, she's so perfect and beautiful even when she's sick. She thought looking at her with loving eyes. In the next room 1989 was on her bed trying to find a plan to apologize to Midnights. Why do I care so much ? She thought, she didn't know what she could do to make her happy. She was tired of all of this and now the only thing she could think of was food. She was so hungry, it has been now 5 days without eating and she didn't know if she should eat or not. She got down the stairs and there she was. Midnights, with her beautiful eyes staring at Folklore. She wanted to scream and cry, instead she decided to take a deep breath and went to the kitchen. When she was in there, she just stared at the fridge, she started to shake as silent tears streamed down her face.

"Are you ok?" Midnights asked as she entered the room. 1989 instantly wiped her tears.

"Yeah, don't worry" said 1989 not facing Midnights. Her stomach grumbled and she sigh.

"You have to eat something you know"

"I'm not hungry anymore" replied 1989, she started to leave when Midnights pulled her back to the kitchen.

"You know damn well I don't really like you, but I still care" said Midnights

"You shouldn't care" replied 1989 annoyed.

"But I do" said Midnights with a genuine smile. 1989 sighed and started crying. Midnights hugged her whispering nice things to her.

"I can't eat please don't make me do that" said 1989 between sobs.

"I know you can! Let's make dinner and we'll try"

"How can you expect me to eat when you can barely stop being high" replied 1989

"At least I'm trying ! What is wrong with you !" Yelled Midnights "Whenever I try to help you, you push me off, just lemme help you !"

"I don't want your help Midnights ! You're such a.." said 1989

"A what ?! Say it !" Yelled Midnights even louder

"What's going on here ?" Asked Folklore. When 1989 saw Folklore she left. She went to her room and started crying, what is wrong with Midnights ? She thought, am I the problem ?

Author's note
I really hope you enjoyed this chapter !
Words: 1035

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