I didn't know if you'd care if i came back

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Song: This Is Me Trying

The moment those words got out of Reputation's mouth, Lover was dead silent she couldn't believe what was happening.

"Where am I? And who are all for these people? Get me out of here!" Yelled Reputation, this sentence made the girls woke up.

Reputation was crying and calling for help while Lover was speechless. As soon as the scream were heard in the corridor, doctors came rushing into the room. They instantly told everyone to leave the room, Reputation looked so scared.

"Hello, I'm Joe Jonas and I'll be your doctor for today. I'm going to ask you questions and you'll give the answer, and if you don't know it's perfectly fine" said Peter with a charming smile. Rep nodded so he could start the questions "Can you tell me your name?"

"I'm-" hesitated Reputation, she knew her name but it was somewhere in her head where she couldn't find it. "I- I don't know"

"That's interesting, can you tell me the last thing you remember?" Asked the doctor

"I don't really remember anything, I feel like my head is empty" answered Reputation tearing up.

"It's fine, I'm only making a diagnosis. Can you read this sentence out loud?" Asked Joe, showing Reputation a card with a bunch or words written.

"Lucy is going to the park and she is taking the dog for a walk" read Reputation.

"Perfect! Do you know who were the persons in your room previously?" Asked the doctor

"I don't, I feel bad, they look like they were hurt" replied Reputation frowning

"It's normal to feel this way, but don't worry you will eventually remember everything" replied Joe, putting his hand on hers. "I'm going to talk to them for a bit, then they'll enter the room again. Is it ok with you?"

"I'm fine with it." Said Reputation. The doctor nodded and left the room where he found the girls sitting and having quick talks. When they saw him they immediately stood up to get some news about theirs friend.

"She is fine, but I believe she has dissociative amnesia. She'll need to see a psychologist to confirm my statement" said Joe

"What does that mean?" Asked Speak Now innocently

"It means that she has been traumatized and it's the reason she forgot everything. But don't worry, her memory will eventually come back." Replied the doctor

"When will she remember us?" Asked Lover shyly

"It might take a full year but also a month. Every person is different so she will remember everything when the right time comes." Said Joe smiling

"Thanks you sir. Can we see her?" Asked Taylor

"Yes you can. Just be gentle since you are unknown to her. I also suggest not to talk about the traumatizing even she went through. Anyways, I will be back with a psychologist in an thirty minutes, or so" Replied the man. He walked off so the girls could enter the room.

"Before going in, I don't want anyone mentioning the past few weeks, it has been enough stress. I don't want her to live that period again" said Taylor

"Will I be able to tell her about her and I?" asked Lover to Taylor

"I don't think it's a good idea for now. She needs to figure some things from her own" replied Taylor.

When they went inside, Rep looked so tired. No one dared to speak, they didn't know what to say. Reputation was studying their faces, trying to remember who was who.

"I'm Lover" said the girl as she approached Rep.

"Nice to meet you! I'm-" replied Rep smiling "I don't know who I am"

"Your name is Reputation, but we call you Rep" replied Lover blushing. Reputation couldn't stop starting at the girl in front of her, she was so gorgeous and bewitching.

"I'm Midnights, your best friend." Said Midnights smiling

"Are you all my friends?" Asked Rep

"Yes we are, but Taylor created us, she's sort of our mother. But we're not related" said 1989

"That seems complicated" replied Reputation smiling

"Kind of. Folklore as a sister, her name is Evermore and you have a sis-" started Speak Now but got cut off by Folklore

"I do have a sister. But just for your information Rep, we all live together and there's other girls as well. But they're not here" said Folklore

"Why aren't they here?" Asked Reputation

"I don't know, but you'll meet them when you'll get home with us!" Said Lover excitedly

"I can't wait to meet the others" replied Rep

They continued talking and introducing each other. They told Reputation about her past but the girl couldn't bring herself to remember. But just like the doctor at told them, he came back with a psychologist. Everyone left the room so it was just Rep and the psychologist.

"Hello Reputation. My name is Diana Agron" said the psychologist smiling

"Nice to meet you" replied Reputation

"Mister Jonas told me about the test you did, so we're just going to talk about what you're feeling. If you feel uncomfortable just tell me and we will stop and move on" said Diana. Reputation just nodded so the girl started to ask her questions "how do you feel about the people you just talked to?"

"That look nice, I wish I could remember them. I'm trying so hard to have my memory back, but it doesn't work." Replied Reputation

"Don't worry, they understand. You've only been awake for an hour, it's normal not to remember" said Diana "Do you remember anything before you passed out?"

"I don't, and I'm so mad at myself for not remembering" said Rep with a frown

"Don't be mad at yourself, it's thinking like this that's blocking your memory. You have to be open-minded and relaxed" replied Diana "Do you think that your in a good condition to go home?"

"I feel fine, my stomach hurts a little but I believe it's normal" replied Reputation

"And do you feel safe with the girls you were with." Asked the psychologist

"I think I do" replied Rep smiling. All she could think about was Lover, she didn't know why this girl was stuck to her mind but she was.

"Thanks you for your answer. I'll go talk to your family and Joe, you'll know tomorrow if you can go home or not" said Diana smiling "But for now it's really late, you should get some sleep" Reputation nodded before the woman left.

She didn't feel tired, she could find a way to sleep. But when she closed her eyes she had a flashback. She was lying down on the floor bleeding, she was confused and her stomach was hurting like crazy, she felt herself getting dizzy and passed away. That's all she could remember, when she opened her eyes she was really scared and started crying. Why was I in that state? Thought Reputation.

Authors note

This chapter was quite shorter than the others but I still hope you enjoyed it. Don't hesitate to tell me what you think !!!
(Pls tell me you know the reference of Diana Agron😭😭)
Words: 1190

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