we are never getting back together

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Song: We Are Never Getting Back Together

The dinner was now awkward. Karma had fake tears rolling down her face, Lover was calming her down. Taylor didn't know what to say, her child left and she didn't know where she was. Midnights started laughing.

"I have no idea what just happened but I love it" said Midnights drunkly between laughter

"We lost Rep" said Folklore

"Good" said Debut emotionless

"What do you mean good? You were the one stealing her money, she was so nice to you!" Said Folklore

"What about it? She's a liar" replied Debut annoyed.

"Yes but she's our friend !" Yelled Folklore

"Not anymore" said 1989 heartbroken, Rep was her best friend.

"I can't believe you Folklore!" Cried Karma "you're taking a bully's side!"

"I think this dinner is a disaster" whispered Travis to Taylor.

"I never trusted Reputation and you all know it but admit it guys! This is kind of wired!" Said Folklore

"The truth always comes to light" said Lover

"Not you too Lover..." said Folklore disappointed. She stopped talking, since she was only making the situation worse. They finished eating and left Taylor's house.


22:37 | Folklore🩶: where are you?

22:37 | Folklore🩶: did you really broke Lover's heart?

22:37 | Folklore🩶: I don't really like you but I don't believe everything Karma said.

22:37 | Folklore🩶: I tried to convince the girls but they are too enrolled..

22:38 | Folklore🩶: lemme think about all of this, I don't know who you believe.

22:56 | Folklore🩶: I believe you. Gn.


The house was dead silent. Lover knock on Rep's room, there was no answer so she opened the door. To her surprise no one was there, her dressing room was empty, and the room was clean all the memories have been washed away, like Rep never existed. On the bed, Reputation had left a note. Lover reached to the letter, opened it and started reading it.

           I don't know when this letter will be opened but I can assure anyone that's reading it that I never hated anyone in this house. Lover, if you read this, know that I love you so much, you're the best thing that happened to me and I want you to never forget this. And to all the member of this house, I truly loved you, I know I never said those words to y'all but it's true. When I was in the vault I was building my personality just like all of you, but it was difficult to be someone I didn't want to be, especially when Karma was always manipulating me. I never cared about my reputation, and it's not because my sister is here that I will.
There will be no explanation, just Reputation.
Love, Reputation

Lover was crying reading this letter, she was so in love that it hurts. She lost the love of her life and now her life was miserable. She lay down on the bed, luckily the bedsheets still smelled like Rep. she buried her face in the pillow and hugged the note. When she woke up it was already morning, she couldn't get up, all she wanted was Rep. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, she didn't answer, she just wanted to be alone. The door was opened by Karma.

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