Chapter #128

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Chapter #128
Scarlett’s POV
“Ok Danny do you have a good hold on Bently’s leash?” I ask as we get to the airport. “Yes Mommy. It’s so cool that we get our own plane.” He beams. “Well I thought it would be better since I’ve got all of you with me.” I smile.  We all loaded up in the jet I rented for our flight. I set Janina and Kai down for a nap. The rest of the kids are occupied with other things so I decided to take a nap because god I need it. I wake up to Danny calling to me. “Mommy.” He says shaking my arm. “What? Are you ok?” I ask. “Sarah keeps calling.” He says pointing to my phone. “Thank you hun.” I tell him as I pick up the phone another nice thing about renting your own plane is you can take phone calls.
“Mom.” Sarah says crying and I sit straight up.
“Honey what’s wrong?” I ask.
“Are you sitting down?” She sniffles.
“Yes. I’m on the plane on my way to you guys with your siblings. What is going on?” I say.
“First off I’m ok.” She says and I have a sick feeling.
“Sarah what happened?” I ask.
“We were in an accident. Ma’s in surgery and I’m scared” She says and my heart sinks.
“Where are you?” I ask.
“Uh Holy Moses hospital in New York. She was just trying to protect me. What if..” She says.
“Don’t think that your Mother is a fighter. I am about an hour out, is your Grandmother there?” I ask.
“No you were the first person I called.” She says.
“Ok hang up and call your Grandmother I don’t want you alone.” I tell her.
“Ok I’ll see you soon.” She tells me before hanging up.
“Mommy what’s wrong?” Danny asks. “Uh when we get to New York your Uncle Hunter is going to drop me off at the hospital on the way to the house. I have to check on someone.” I tell him, not wanting to make him panic. The next hour feels like an eternity. When we land Hunter pulls up and I can see the worry on his face. “I’m sure she’ll be fine sis.” He says as we load the kids and luggage up in the SUV. “She has to be.” I tell him, trying not to break down in front of the kids. We pull up to the hospital and he parks by the entrance. “I’ll see you guys soon be good for your Uncle Hunter.” I tell the kids getting nods from them well except for Kai and Janina since they are so little. I run inside and see Sarah and my Mom and they are crying. “Mom!” Sarah yells when she sees me and I run over to her. “Hey it’s gonna be ok. Honey, is this yours?” I start to panic when I see the blood on her shirt. “Only some of it, most of it is Ma’s. We were in the R.V and a semi was in our lane heading in our direction. The driver was clearly drunk and next thing I know Ma has her body wrapped around me just before the crash. She used her body as a shield. I only have these few cuts but they were able to patch me up at the scene. The only one that needed stitches is this one on my forehead.” She says pointing to the small bandage on her head. “Can I take a look?” I ask and she nods. I take the bandage off and it’s not bad, only three stitches. I place the bandage back on her head.”It’s my fault Mom. If she hadn’t had to protect me she wouldn’t be this hurt. It’s all my fault.” She says sobbing. “I called Nicky and she’s on her way. I paid for her plane ticket. And don’t you dare blame yourself please don’t blame yourself she would feel horrible if you did.” I tell Sarah. “Thank you.” She says and I just nod and hug her. “Where is everyone else?” She asks. “With your Uncle Hunter I didn’t want to scare them.” I tell her. “Benji called Laura and she, Mike, and Jack are all flying out tomorrow. It was the soonest flight they could get. Benji is a mess.” Mom tells me. “Where is he?” I ask not, seeing him here. “At your place he couldn’t be here he had to go play music to help cope he saw Sam he was in his R.V behind them he was lucky that he hit the brakes fast enough not to hit the back of Sam’s R.V.” Mom says. “Mily-Johansson family.” A doctor calls out. “That’s us. Where is she?” I ask. “Right this way. She’s unconscious and pretty badly injured.” The doctor tells me. “Will she live?” I ask as tears fall down my face it’s like when she was hurt all those years ago all over again. “Yes she will live. But we don’t know when she’ll wake.” He says as he leads us to her room. “Mom I can’t. I can’t do it I can’t go in there.” Sarah says. “It’s ok you don’t have too. You’ve been through enough already tonight. Why don’t you go home and get some rest.” I tell her and she nods before engulfing me in a hug. “Mom, take care of her.” I say. “I won’t leave her side until you get home.” Mom says. “Thank you.” I say before turning and entering Sam’s hospital room. She looks peaceful. “Sam Babe, it's me Scarlett, please wake up.” I plead gently placing one hand on her shoulder, the other I use to grab her hand. “WAKE UP GOD DAMN IT!!” I scream. “Ma’am I understand it’s hard to see your wife like this but..” “Shut up! I’m sorry but this is the second time she’s done this and unless you have seen your partner like this keep your mouth shut better yet get the fuck out!” I snap at the doctor. I didn't mean to, I just am full of so many emotions. “Ma’am I..” “GET OUT!!” I scream and I feel Sam grip my hand. “Scarlett don’t take your emotions out on the man who is the reason I’m alive.” Sam croaks. “Mrs. Mily I’m glad you are awake, that's a good sign.” The doctor says coming over and shining a light in her eyes. “Pupils are active and responsive. Can you remember what happened Mrs. Mily?” The doctor asks. “Why are you calling me that?” Sam asks. “Calling you what?” The doctor asks. “Mrs. Mily. It’s Sargent and I’m not married.” Sam says and I have to leave the room. “Scarlett! What’s going on?” Sam calls out clearly scared so I walk back in. “Sam what year is it?” I ask. “2008 what kind of question is that? Are you wearing dog tags?” She asks. “Sam, it's 2022.” I tell her. “WHAT?!” She panics. “Sam calm down, it's ok.” I say holding her hand. “Scarlett I can’t breathe.” She says clutching her chest. “Mrs. Mily you are having a panic attack.” The doctor says. “Stop calling me that I’m not married!” She yells at the doctor. “Ok I’m giving you a sedative.” He says injecting something into her I.V “Scarlett I’m not married tell him.” She says falling asleep. “She’ll be ok. Her memory should come back; this is very common.” He says. “She doesn’t remember. We have seven kids, the youngest is less than a year old. They need her, she has to remember. I need her.” I say as I begin to sob into Sam’s shoulder. “She’ll remember in time just give her time. Talk to her as she sleeps, maybe it’ll help I don’t know.” The doctor says before leaving.
Sam’s POV
“Scarlett, I'm not married, tell him.” I tell Scarlett before the sedative kicks in. “She’ll be ok. Her memory should come back; this is very common.” I hear the doctor. “She doesn’t remember that I’m her wife. We have seven kids, the youngest is less than a year old. They need her, she has to remember. I need her.” I hear Scarlett say before she sobs into my shoulder. “She’ll remember in time just give her time. Talk to her as she sleeps, maybe it’ll help I don’t know.” The doctor says before leaving. Seven kids? I married Scarlett?. “Sam, I don't know if you can hear me. But I need you. I need my Beautiful Cinnamon Roll.” Scarlett says and when she says that nickname it all comes back to me all of it. Oh God Sarah she was in the R.V I tried my best to protect her. I hope she’s ok. “Sam I need you to remember please for the love of god Sam I need you.” Scarlett cries into my shoulder. I feel her lay on the bed on my left side as always so she can hear my heart beat and cries herself to sleep. I remember Baby I remember.
Scarlett’s POV
I crawled into Sam’s bed and laid on the left side so I could hear her heartbeat. Even if she doesn’t remember I’m her wife she remembers that she’s my best friend and I hope she won’t mind me laying next to her. I need her to remember. I cried myself to sleep. I wake up a few hours later to the sound of crying. “Sam?” I ask. “Is Sarah ok? Please tell me she’s ok.” Sam cries. “She’s ok, just some scratches. You remember.” I say. “Yes. I heard you call me by my nickname and it all came back. I also heard you sob into my shoulder. I’m sorry for scaring you.” She says. “Don’t you ever do that again. You could have gotten yourself killed!” I yell gently, slapping her arm. “She’s my daughter! I had too. Tell me you wouldn’t do the same. She’s my baby. I will do anything to protect her, Danny, Wyatt, Emma, Elizabeth, Kai, and Janina. And you. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if we lost one of them. Or if I lost you.” She cries. “Sam you terrified her. And she was blaming herself on the phone about you getting hurt.” I tell her. “I didn’t mean to scare her. I just wanted to protect my baby girl.” Sam says. “And you did. She only needed three stitches total on a cut on her forehead. You protected her. She’s going to be ok physically. But she broke down when we got to the door of your room. She was terrified to see your injuries because she thinks it’s her fault.” I tell her. “But it’s not her fault. I chose to use my body to shield her. I chose to do that. I have to tell her it’s not her fault.” Sam says trying to get up but I don’t let her. “We can call Mom she’s with her you aren’t leaving this bed until a doctor clears you. I’ll call Mom your phone is ruined.” I say. “How will I post memes?” She jokes. “Sam really?” I scold. “Hey I was just trying to lighten the mood.” She says.
“Scarlett how is Sam?” Mom asks quietly.
“I’m awake.” Sam says.
“Oh thank God you are awake.” Mom sighs in relief.
“Mom, is Sarah up?” I ask.
“No she cried herself to sleep about an hour after we got to the house and wouldn’t let me go which is why I’m whispering she’s asleep on my chest. She’s scared.” Mom says with a sniffle.
“Wake her.” Sam says.
“But she needs to sleep.” Mom says.
“And she needs to know it’s not her fault wake her.” Sam tells Mom.
“Ok I’ll put the phone on speaker. Sarah sweetie, your Mama is awake and wants to talk to you.” Mom coos. “Ma I’m sorry I’m so sorry if it weren’t for me you….” She says but Sam cuts her off.
“Sarah Lauren. It is not your fault. Do you understand me?” Sam says.
“But Ma.” Sarah says.
“But nothing I chose to protect you. I made a choice and I don’t regret it. I would do it again in a heartbeat.” Sam tells her.
“You are a dumbass bigfoot.” Sarah laughs.
“Maybe but I’m a protective bigfoot.” Sam chuckles. “I love you my little gremlin.” Sam says.
“I love you too bigfoot.” Sarah says tiredly. “And I love you too Mom.” She says.
“I love you too honey.” I tell her.
“Hey gremlin, get some rest.” Sam says.
“I will good night Ma. Good night Mom.” Sarah yawns.
“Good night.” Sam and I say at the same time and we hang up.
“We can’t tell the kids I didn’t remember them.” Sam says when I set my phone down. “Sam I’m sure they will find out eventually and if we explain they will understand.” I say. “No they can’t know. I heard the pain in your voice and the pain in your eyes when I said I wasn’t married. I don’t want to put them through that.” Sam says. “Ok I won’t tell them. Now get some rest.” I tell her. “Will you stay with me?” She asks. “I was planning on it.” I tell her, making her smile. “But seriously how will I post memes?” Sam is completely serious. “I’ll give Hunter my card and have him buy you a new phone tomorrow ok just get some rest you meme addict.” I say. “I’m your meme addict.” She smiles. “That you are.” I say leaning up to give her a kiss. “Thank you for remembering.” I say resting my forehead on hers. “Thank you for reminding me. Penguin” She says. “I would go full on notebook on you if I had too.” I tell her. “Yeah I bet you would.” She chuckles. “Let’s rest.” She says, giving me another kiss.

Hey guys hope you liked this one it was Chris’s idea. This chapter’s question is Iphone or Android? I’m an Android person myself. Anygays see you in the next one.

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