The Library.

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There Zo was sitting next to THE Nita one of the most popular girls that he could think of. Of course he'd have to thank Joke later for helping him build up his confidence and have a glow up.

"Zo? Zo?" Nita said while waving her hand in front of his face.

"Oh! Yeah so.." He started to say in embarrassment.

"Are you even enjoying this, you keep zoning out?" Asked Nita.

"Of course of course." Responded Zo but in the back he knew something or other someone was bothering him.

"You know what I'll just leave now because it's clear you have a couple things on your mind you have to sort out first." Said Nita while giving of a slight smile.

Zo just kept sitting there and thinking. "Shit why do I keep driving her away." Thought Zo. "It was always smooth sailing with.." Then it hit him.
Zo and Joke were sitting in the spot that Zo would take Nita and even practicing with the same book. "Just like this do you get it." Joke said. "Oh yeah so I'll bring Nita to this spot and try to bond with her even more?" Zo said.

"Exactly, and if you really want to you can try to hold eye contact with her. Like this." Then Joke and Zo locked eyes. It was like everything and everyone froze in place as Zo got lost in Joke's eyes. That was until his grip slipped from the book. He ran off while muttering something about having to go to the bathroom. Zo started to run to the washroom after he got out of the library. Why did he get butterflies in his stomach and get bright red he wondered to himself. He splashed water on his face then walk off like nothing had happened trying to forget what happened.
Zo finally realized he didn't have a crush on Nita anymore, he had a crush on Joke. Zo finally gathered himself enough to slowly walk out of the library. He was thinking was he gay? How is he even attracted to men or Joke in specifics? Was he bisexual? As deep in thought and aimlessly walking through the halls he accidentally ran into Joke. "Aw great he thought just the person to run into." He grumbled under his breath.

"Oh how'd your hang out with Nita in the library go?" He asked as if nothing was wrong.

"Oh not too well, but I came to a realization.." Zo said hesitantly."

"And what would that be?" Joke asked curiously.

"Don't think I like Nita anymore but.. someone else." Zo said cautiously.

"And who might that be?" Joke asked with hints of curiosity in his voice.

"Well.." He paused. "It's you." Zo said mumbling.

"What?" Joke said unknowingly to what Zo said.

Zo sighed and said, "You know how we've been hanging out out a lot and especially in the library.. it's made me realize I have a crush on you.."

"Oh.." Joke said not knowing what to say next. "Hahaha. Let's just forget about this umm.. just don't stop hanging out with me." Zo said almost tearing up due to an unclear answer from Joke.

Suddenly Joke pulled Zo into a kiss, their lips smashed together. At first Zo was in shock but then he melted into it. When they finally broke apart a spit string followed them. Joke chuckled.

"Does this mean you like me back?" Zo asked. Joke nodded and they came together again for another kiss. This kiss was full of lust and desire. When they finally broke away from each other Zo said,

"My dorm isn't too far from here wanna continue this there?"

Joke replied "Of course love, let's go quickly." In the end Joke and Zo walked hand in hand to Zo's dorm to know whatever they wanted. (Iykyk)
The End.

This honestly is my first fan fic that I made. I'm a reader personally. To the handful of people that were waiting for this sorry for the long wait. I am going on a trip soon, but please put suggestions in the comments of what I should do next. Also I'm very sorry for the bad kiss scene this is my first time writing one.

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