PROLOGUE: The Beginning of Nightmares

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Magic, an integral part of humanity's journey through time. It has always been a crucial force, bestowing remarkable abilities upon its wielders. Its significance stretches far beyond mere skill enhancement. It represents the deep ideas of creation, destruction and also purification and transformation.

Throughout history, magic has been a spark of change. It inspired awe and power in those who obtained and relished it.

It was a divine gift from the Gods.

Yet, I see magic in a different view. Bestowed upon us without our consent makes it more of a curse than a blessing.

True, it has the miraculous ability to heal wounds and illnesses. It kickstarted humanity's development and made everyday tasks easier.

Yet, overlooking its drawbacks is akin to willful blindness. Many, like my ancestors, accepted magic without question. They saw anyone who dared to complain as a fool.

But, perhaps, the "fools" understood more than the blind masses.

Why should we devote ourselves to Gods who granted us powers like giving out free candy? They granted us abilities, but that doesn't mean they did so with benevolent intentions.

Because of that, most humans and other races fell for the allure of this power. This led to widespread abuse.

What began as petty squabbles escalated into full-blown wars, with magic serving as a spark for amplified destruction.

The once-united human race became fractured, each group devoutly following their chosen deity.

Even after the Creators perished or forsaken Aetheria, magic endured. It ate away at the essence of our souls.

We've become overly reliant on it, to the point where our existence depended mainly on magic. If we continue to rely on this unchecked, we will doom the journey on Aetheria. We will destroy ourselves.

In the end, all that will remain are the smouldering embers of ash.

It's how I've come to perceive magic.

A dual edged instrument capable of both creation and destruction.

A weapon on par with the gods themselves.

And the most powerful force in the Universe

Well, I thought it was.


I felt a surge of intense heat envelope me, leaving me confused. I struggled to make sense of my surroundings, then I noticed the source of the searing feeling.

With hesitant eyes, I opened them, only to be met with a scene of chaos.

Standing in the middle of a street, I found myself almost encircled by raging flames. Their voracious tongues were licking hungrily at the buildings around me, reducing them to a black crisp.

Panic surged within me as I tried to comprehend how I even got here.

Why was everything ablaze? How did I end up here? Where is everybody?

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