* Chapter 7 *

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"PEARL!" I yelled catching her as she slumped against me but her legs were still somehow holding her up.

Fuck. My buzz and high were quickly dissipated as the reality of the situation hit me. Some asshole drugged Pearl and she was potentially overdosing right here in the middle of a rager. Part goers glanced our way, but not a single person stepped forward to offer us any help.

"Pearl c'mon on sweetheart, open your eyes for me." I begged cupping her face.

She rocked on her feet but her hands quickly gripped to my jacket. She moaned and managed to blink her eyes open.

"Good girl. I'm gonna get you outta here Pearl. But I need you to keep those eyes open okay?" I asked softly stroking her bangs back.

"S'hard." She whimpered, her eyes glistening with tears.

I could see the fear in them. Knowing exactly what was going, but her body too out of control to do anything about it.

"I know sweetheart. You're doing a good job though. Just keep talking to me." I cooed.

I didn't want to move. She was talking and I didn't want any sudden movement of me lifting to make her swing back into a black out.

"Didn't drug." She whimpered.

I somehow knew what she was trying to say. She didn't willing or knowingly take the drugs.

"I know you didn't. Someone must have slipped something into your drink when you weren't looking." I nodded, feeling her slump more into me, I moved one hand from her face to around the small of her back keeping her pressed against me.

Her head began bobbing against my hand and her eyes fluttered as she fought to stay awake.

"Hey, hey.  No keep talking sweetheart. Keep talking to me. You never did answer my question, what's your favorite color?" I rambled out.

"Multiple colors."  She struggled to get out.

"Tell me them all then." I encouraged briefly looking around to see if I spotted Gareth.

I know I told him I was taking her out back but there was no way I was going to be able to do that. I needed her awake more then I needed her out of this party. I really didn't want to carry her out of the party unconscious. As soon as I got her out of here, I'd let her crash.


Looking down at her confused I saw her squeezing her eyes shut then blinking them back open staring at me in an almost frustrated way.

"Me?" I asked confused.

"First." She breathed out.

You first.

This fucking girl. Even drugged out of her mind, she still wanted to know my favorite color.

Shaking my head I went to respond but Gareth popped up.

"What the hell man I thought you said back yard." He exclaimed throwing his arms up.

"She blacked out. Then came to, I don't want to move her and risk her going out again here." I explained my eyes never leaving Pearls, she stared back at me her eyes still shimmering with tears.

"Well here, let's try giving her this, maybe it will help." Gareth sighed opening a water bottle.

"Pearl open your mouth sweetheart, Gareth got you some water." I mumbled tapping her cheek again.

Like a baby bird her head bobbled as she opened her mouth, I moved my hand to cradle her head as Gareth lifted the bottle to her mouth, pouring in small amounts that she eagerly swallowed down.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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