29: September 18, Aerin's Birthday

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Fifteen years had passed since the tumultuous events that had once consumed their lives. Keeho, having narrowly escaped execution thanks to Seonghwa's discreet connections, had reinvented himself in Toronto. He'd erased every trace of his former identity, becoming a model citizen—a bank employee with a family, living a quiet life away from the shadows of his past.

Jeonghan's fate had been similarly altered. With Seonghwa's influence, his sentence was reduced to five years, after which he returned to his career as one of the most sought-after models. Despite his success, Jeonghan had become a ghost of his former self—pale, withdrawn, and increasingly isolated. His personal life was a mystery to all; his silence spoke volumes about the emotional scars that lingered long after the legal battles had ended.

While Jeonghan's peers, including Mingyu and Wonwoo, had settled into their lives in Toronto, the absence of Seokmin was a poignant reminder of what was lost. Soonyoung and Jihoon were now parents to two adopted boys, Junhui and Minghao had celebrated their grand wedding, and Aerum and Chan had three children. Even Seungkwan had found his happily ever after with Hansol. Yet, Jeonghan remained alone, his personal history marred by the shadows of past betrayals. The most talked-about aspect of his life was his solitude, an enigma in a world obsessed with celebrity scandals and relationships.

On this ordinary day, as Jeonghan prepared for another demanding shoot, his routine was interrupted by an unexpected encounter. As he exited his apartment, he noticed a familiar figure approaching—a tall man with an unmistakable presence. The man's sharp jawline and piercing eyes were instantly recognizable; it was Park Seonghwa, the once-feared criminal lawyer who had played a pivotal role in their shared past.

"Yoon Jeonghan, it's been a long time," Seonghwa said, his voice devoid of the warmth that once characterized their interactions. He handed Jeonghan an envelope before turning to leave. Their exchange was brief and cold, leaving Jeonghan feeling both unsettled and curious.

As Jeonghan took the envelope and opened it, he immediately recognized the handwriting. His heart skipped a beat when he saw the name at the top of the letter.

"Half-sister," Jeonghan muttered, his voice barely above a whisper.

With trembling hands, he began reading the letter. The words on the page were both haunting and familiar, evoking memories he had tried to bury. The letter was from Aerin, and it brought with it a flood of emotions and unanswered questions. Each sentence seemed to unravel the mysteries of their past, offering a glimpse into the life she had lived since their last encounter.

Dear Yoon Jeonghan,

I hope this letter finds you after I'm gone. And by gone, I mean truly gone—no dramatic escape with Seungcheol or any of that nonsense. By now, I'll probably be dead. You might be wondering how your punishment was reduced so unexpectedly. Well, you can thank me for that. My brother's connections worked wonders, and you got out sooner than you might have otherwise. I know you were quite a challenge, but there's no denying you made an impression.

I'm not sure whether you ever loved Seungcheol or simply despised me, but either way, let me make it clear: I won the game. I took Seungcheol's life myself, and by the time you're reading this, I'll likely be in the afterlife, perhaps even sharing a space with him. And, yes, I was the one who ended Joshua's life. He was a monster, and I have no regrets about what I did. I took revenge for the innocent, and if there's irony in that, so be it.

Despite all the chaos, I hope you can find a moment of peace knowing that I took every opportunity to live fully, even if it was at your expense or due to our father's influence. I hope you have a wonderful life and prove that even those deemed evil can have a long and meaningful existence. Enjoy yourself, and remember, as your half-sister, that I love you. Please forgive me for everything.

- Aerin

A tear slipped down Jeonghan's cheek as he folded the letter and slipped it into his bag. He took a deep breath and walked toward his car, the weight of Aerin's words heavy on his heart.


At Keeho's house, the morning was serene until he retrieved the newspaper from his doorstep and found a letter instead. His pulse quickened; the sight of the letter, years after Seungcheol's mysterious death, was both shocking and puzzling. Keeho's hands trembled slightly as he opened the envelope and began to read.


I hope this letter finds you well and that by the time you read it, I'm already gone. I've made sure Seonghwa would help you get out of jail, and I hope you're free by now. I'm deeply sorry, but with only a few days left, there's something I need to confess. I was the one who referred to Ruby as a "second-hand copy," and I was the one who pushed her to end her life. I feel responsible for her death, and I can't forgive myself for it. You have every right to hate me for this, but please know that I am truly sorry.

Thank you for everything—your help, your care, and your love. You've always been a wonderful friend, and I hope you never let anyone treat you the way Seungcheol did. I dealt with him, but remember, next time you'll have to stand up for yourself. The stars may seem distant, but they're like hope; never lose sight of it, even in the darkest times.

Please forgive me for all I've done. You've always been my best friend, and you'll always hold that place in my heart.

- Aerin

Keeho read the letter with a mix of disbelief and sorrow. The revelation from Aerin was both a relief and a burden, as it provided answers but also resurfaced old wounds. As he finished reading, Keeho's thoughts were a whirlwind of past regrets and newfound understanding, each line of Aerin's letter echoing the complexity of their intertwined fates.

Keeho's tears flowed freely as he folded Aerin's letter, the weight of her absence crashing over him. He looked up, trying to compose himself, as his five-year-old daughter Nicole wandered into the room, her innocent eyes filled with concern.

"What happened, Dad? Why are you crying?"

Keeho forced a smile, his heart aching.

"Nothing, sweetie."

Nicole's curious eyes searched his face. "Who made you cry, Daddy?"

Keeho brushed a tear from his cheek and responded softly, "An angel who fell from heaven, who made devils fall in love with her."

Nicole tilted her head, puzzled. "Where's she now?"

Keeho's voice wavered. "Back to heaven, baby."

Nicole's eyes widened with curiosity. "Why?"

Keeho sighed, gathering his thoughts. "Because we humans don't deserve an angel like her. We treated her as if she was the devil, when she was actually the prettiest fallen angel."

It was an unusually rainy September day. The sky, though bright with sunlight, was streaked with rain, creating an unexpected rainbow that arched over Toronto. The scene was both serene and surreal, and the residents murmured about the peculiar weather.

Jeonghan was in his car, waiting at a traffic light, when he noticed a striking woman crossing the street. She was tall, wearing a purple suit and black heels, her face partially hidden by an umbrella. Jeonghan's heart skipped a beat. The sight of her was almost too familiar. He rubbed his eyes, unsure if it was a trick of the light or his imagination. The woman seemed to disappear into the crowd as the traffic light turned green, leaving Jeonghan bewildered.

His heart pounded as he looked around, half-expecting to see her reappear. The woman in the purple suit, so reminiscent of Aerin, seemed like an ethereal vision.

"Nicole?" Keeho, on the other hand, had seen the same woman through the crowd as he waited for his cab. Driven by a sudden impulse, he followed her, but she vanished into the throng of people. Keeho's mind raced, struggling to grasp what he had seen. Then it hit him—the date. September 18th. It was Aerin's birthday.

Keeho wondered if it was a sign, or perhaps just a poignant reminder of the past. The coincidence was too striking to ignore.

This is my birthday gift for y'all. So enjoy it and look up for the end and announcement part for the next FF and also I have seen a lot of writers doing Q&A. So if you have any questions for any of the characters or for the author you can just leave it here and they'll be answered in the end.

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