♥️bark bark little wolf♥️

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SMG4 walked through the woods, humming. He was recently sent out to get spaghetti to calm Mario, so he decided to take the short route through the woods. Unfortunately for him, something else was in the woods with him.

It started with just a howl, which was distant, so SMG4 slid it off as nothing. Then, the ever growing sound of pawsteps. That's when SMG4 picked up speed. He panted as he sprinted though the woods, only to be tackled by a wolf. He shrieked as his body met roots and bark.

He looked up, peering at the wolf, who seemed to pause at the shriek. It was purple and black in the moonlight, with deep red eyes. Suddenly, it's face came closer.

"Holy shit I'm gonna die- I'm gonna die- I'm gonn-" his thoughts were interrupted by a wet tongue licking his cheek. He turned back to look at the wolf, who was licking his face to....comfort him?

What a weird thing... he slowly stood up, to not alarm the wolf. "I...I need to be going." Although he was certain the wolf had no idea what he was saying, the wolf looked content, and just sat there, watching as he walked.


When he got back home, he shared the story with everyone as Mario tore into the spaghetti.

By morning, SMG3 arrived, and SMG4 told him as well. SMG3 just gave a rare, thoughtful smile, as one thing crossed his mind. "Your lucky I spared you, hot face."


Idk I'm tired. Anygays, if you have a request for any oneshots, I will do them! Just read the rules. Alr, byeee!

275 words

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