Taste Does Matter

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  Pepsi vs. Coca-Cola.

This was not a new debate; the two drinks had been fought over for years.

Some fought that they tasted different, others claimed that there was no difference. No matter what, it was thought up by humans with nothing other to do than to make them rivals.

The rival companies attempted new flavors, and different recipes, and even changed the logos altogether.

This was in vain, however, because no matter the circumstance or number of changes, Coca-Cola and Pepsi would always be enemies.

"You know I'm better, right?"

Coca-Cola gave a smug grin over to Pepsi, who rolled his eyes.

"You're just saying that because you were made first. I taste better anyway, though quality isn't your specialty."

The last two sodas in the vending machine, are Coca-Cola and Pepsi. This was a recipe for disaster, though it didn't seem that they would be bought any time soon.

Coca-Cola quickly turned to Pepsi, bubbling at the sight of his rival besting his insult.

"You're just mad. I was made first and I'm more iconic. Who would America favor more, Coca-Cola or Pepsi?"

"Dude, have you seen the number of Indians that drink Pepsi? One of the most populated countries and guess who they're drinking. Me! You would never be able to put up those numbers."

"That's stupid. You're just cheap so they drink you more. I find quality and quantity equal, unlike you."

Coca-Cola smiled at the silence, looking over just to be met with Pepsi's death stare. He shook slightly, his expression quickly changing from smug to uncomfortable.

Pepsi shook his cap slightly, looking over at his rival with tired eyes.

"Listen, dude, we were both left here anyway. It's not like they wanted either of us, so can we just call it a night? I'm tired of fighting with you; we've been doing this for centuries now."

Coca-Cola turned away with denial, knowing that he was right but still holding onto the grudge.

"You're just trying to end this because I'm right, and I taste better.", Coca-Cola said quickly. "Coward.", he said under his breath.

Pepsi let out a defeated sigh, turning toward Coca-Cola slowly.

"Fine bro, whatever you say. I quit."

The store light was cut off as Pepsi began to drift into a slumber, though Coca-Cola couldn't help but stay up, looking back on the seemingly never-ending argument he just had to continue.


Coca-Cola awoke in a plastic bag, looking around happily as he realized his surroundings.

"Looks like I was chosen first... idiot."

"Or not."

Coca-Cola turned around slowly, grimacing as he realized who was behind him. Pepsi.

"Oh God, how'd you get here?", Coke said, settling defeatedly into the bag.

"I guess I taste at least somewhat as good as you... though I'm probably better."

Coke glared at him after his statement, sighing and becoming slightly bubbled.

"Are we ever going to talk about anything other than our difference in taste? It's entertaining sometimes though I can't help but get bored after the seventh time a day.", Pepsi said, sighing at the still angry expression of Coca-Cola.

"If you don't want to talk about it, maybe don't follow me everywhere like a leech."

Pepsi stared, dumbfounded at Coke's response. Does he truly think I want to be with him right now?

Pepsi couldn't help but be amused at his childish dialogue.

"Do you think that I want to talk to you every day? It's not my choice whether we're put next to each other, and I would choose to be put next to anything but you."

Coke sucked his teeth, looking with annoyance at the other bottle.

"Same here."

The bag finally stopped moving, being set on a hard surface.

"Where are we?", Pepsi whispered curiously.

"Alcatraz.", Coke said satirically.

He caught a quick look from Pepsi before the bag was finally opened.

A kitchen counter, seemingly in a small apartment.

The walls were a stained yellow color, the smell of tobacco and marijuana filling the house.

"I wouldn't be surprised if we were.", Pepsi said nervously, his brain now greatly overlapping his curiosity.


The counter began to shake as two large figures walked around the corner.

One had long dirty blonde hair. A large shirt covered up any chances of telling whether they were male or female, and their broad lips and long nose seemed to have details of both genders.

The other was shorter, wearing long faded jeans and a tight-fitting tee shirt. This one was a man, looking between the ages of seventeen and twenty.

"Coca-Cola is better.", the tall one said, a look of certainty appearing on their face.

Coke smiled smugly.

"I suppose some people have taste.", Coca-Cola said, glaring at Pepsi.

"What are you smoking bro? Pepsi is way better, and the colors literally represent America, " the shorter male said, enthusiastically moving his arms during his statement.

Pepsi continued to look stoic, not glaring or showing any signs of superiority.

"I guess we'll find out.".

The two people picked up the bottles, placing them next to small plastic cups as they talked.

The voices began to blur as Coke and Pepsi awaited the test. Both bottles bubbled anxiously, seconds turning into minutes as they waited on the counter.

"I'm better, though I suppose that will show when they drink me," Coke whispered nervously.

Pepsi didn't respond, as he felt that there would be no difference... though if there was, it would be him.

The two rushed back into the kitchen, walking toward the bottles as they opened them.

They were poured quickly, and as they both sat down, they were bubbling with fear.

The humans took a sip from each cup, savoring the flavors before they began to speak.

"They're both good, but Pepsi is better."

"Dude, you have the worst taste ever. Coke has way more flavor."

Both bottles sighed with dissatisfaction as the answers were said, closing their eyes in disappointment as they were thrown into the fridge.

"Will this ever end?", Pepsi spoke quietly, adjusting to the cold slowly.

For once Coke didn't respond, and he rather bubbled in anger at the fact that there was even a debate.

I'm better. I was always better. I was made first, and no one is better than me. Though... no! I am superior!

"Ugh. I'm so sick of this. I just want it to be over."

Pepsi bubbled in frustration, beginning to condense just from the pure stress of the situation.

"Are you bottles ever going to stop fighting?"

Both bottles turned around, gasping in surprise as they were met with an annoyed expression.

"Dr. Pepper?"


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