Here By Our Hand

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The laughter quickly stopped. Shuffling was heard from deep into the fridge, the sound getting closer with every second.

  Pepsi should have known it was a mistake to call his name, though it seemed like instinct after meeting hundreds of sodas over the years.

  He began to step back, his footsteps becoming faster as the shuffling became louder.

  The shuffling stopped all of a sudden. Pepsi stopped his footsteps, moving more slowly as he looked around his surroundings.


  His rush stopped, Pepsi wiping the condensation from his bottle.

  I guess he ran away. Coward.

  A loud warped scream came from behind him, the sound of thunder appearing behind him.

  This wasn't normal Mtn Dew. No, this was voltage.

  Pepsi quickly ran from the sound, Mtn Dew chasing him quickly around the fridge. Both soda's screams could be heard, echoing throughout the fridge.

  Pepsi was slowing down, slipping on ice and soda spills as he ran. The cold wasn't on his side either, Pepsi starting to feel his soda lose its bubble.

  Mtn Dew was fast, moving so fast that Pepsi couldn't even see his label.

  This was until he stopped.

  Mtn Dew stopped his chase, his label changing once again.

  Pepsi slowed down, continuing to walk away slowly.

  "Hey dude, sorry about that. That just happens sometimes."

  What type of sick joke is this?

  "What are you?", Pepsi muttered under his breath.

  "I'm Mtn Dew. Original, by the way. I would suspect that you're... Coke! Right?"

  The mention of Coke made Pepsi shiver, bringing him out of his sudden entanglement with Mtn Dew and back to a time when they were together.

  This was brief, though.

  "It's Pepsi."

  Pepsi spoke through his teeth, not trying to slip up and insult him. He didn't want to trigger Mtn Dew to change again.

  "Oh. Oh yeah, what's up, little dude? Haven't seen you in a while."

  Pepsi attempted not to roll his eyes, shrugging to contain his annoyance.

  "Same here. Anyway, I'm gonna go now."

  Pepsi attempted to walk past the other soda, pushing the whole ordeal behind him.

  This was until he heard a sudden groan behind him.

  "No, please. God no."

  The groans became louder, Pepsi turning around to see Mtn Dew's label change once again.

  "Run! Please go! Kill me before it-"

  Pepsi stood, staring at Mtn Dew in shock and terror.

  Condensation ran off of Pepsi's half-frozen body, and he began to bubble with fear.

  I'm going to die here.

  This wasn't just any Mtn Dew.

  This was Code Red.


   Coke climbed toward the freezer, shuddering at the cold air.

  The top shelf was extremely cold, fueling Coke to find Pepsi and bring him back to the middle shelf. He knew he couldn't survive up there for long, and Coke needed to apologize.

  He finally reached the shelf, standing tall as he looked around. This place was foreign and extremely empty.

  Is this even worth it? Why do I need to apologize anyway? If anything, he should.

  Coke ignored his thoughts, knowing how stupid they were. Previously he would have given in, but not today. Today he would change things.

  He walked farther into the fridge. He could hear his steps echo. It was chilling, and the temperature didn't help one bit.

  He turned to look behind him. The freezer was vast and vacant; two things which did not pair well together.

  Shivering, he continued to walk through the cold area.

  That is until he heard a screech.

  He turned around, staring forward as his fear began to bubble. He knew that this was a bad idea, though his motives overtook his brain.

  He ran toward the sound, the noise getting louder with every step.

  What's making that noise? I shouldn't even be here!

  He continued to run, slipping over something as he did so.

   "What the hell?!", Coke screamed, quickly going silent as the screeches stopped.

  He looked down, feeling something wet under him.

  "Oh god."

  Coke stared at the spilled Orange Fanta under him. He turned in shock, seeing a piece of a Fanta bottle.

  He stared forward. The footsteps were getting heavier. The screeches were getting louder.

  Coke began softly sobbing, covering his mouth as he lay in the orange fluid.

  His sight was blurry with fizz, his sobs getting louder as he thought of his fate.

  Never had he been this scared. Never had he ever thought his death would be because he wanted to apologize to his nemesis.

  Why? Why did it have to end like this?



  Pepsi stared in shock at the red bottle, small yells turning into loud screeches. The figure looked down at him, beginning to walk slowly toward him.

  Though first slowly, the creature sped up, running at full speed toward Pepsi.

   Pepsi, still in shock, stood still. The footsteps finally shook him from his moment of shock. He screamed, bubbles and condensation falling from his plastic. Scared and now nearly crying with fear, he fell behind a box of what seemed to be a TV dinner.

  Thankfully his constant cardio and fear had prevented him from freezing this far in, though he couldn't help but still feel the chill bubbling below his bottle cap.

  He covered his mouth to prevent his soft sobs from escaping his lips, looking behind him with pure terror as the monster's footsteps and screeches got closer.

  Pepsi shut his eyes. He replayed in his mind the exact reason for him being there, tears streaming from his shut eyes. All he wanted to do was think. Just to think about the horrible things he had said. He was going to go back and apologize. Maybe he would even gain forgiveness. This didn't matter anymore. He was going to die.

  This was until the footsteps stopped.

  "What the hell?!"

  Pepsi heard a yell in the distance. It wasn't just any yell though. It was Coke.

  His condensation fell harder, Pepsi covering his face. His tears were partly grateful, though full of guilt and regret.

  The footsteps turned around, gaining speed toward the origin of Coke's voice.

  Coke was going to die because he couldn't shut up for one second. Coke was going to die because he was a stupid egotistical horrible soda who couldn't be quiet to save his life.

  And Pepsi wouldn't let that happen.

  Not without a fight.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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