Just Leave Me Alone

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

I woke up on top of the school roof and looked down wondering if I should pull the wings trick again but shook my head deciding to save it for another day.

I jumped up and grabbed my jacket which I had used as a blanket but when I walked over to the door there was a loud knock.

(Y/n): "I cannot deal with Yang again" I said to myself silently before casting an invisibility spell I then stood next to the door before it was destroyed

(Y/n): "Some people just don't fucking change" I thought as I watched not Yang but Goodwitch walk out

Goodwitch: "Where is he, Team RWBY said he was here"

(Y/n): "Or more like entire team hasn't changed still ratting me out to see me get punished" I thought I then slowly walked out of the roof and once I was out of range I deactivated my invisibility

(Y/n): "God" But within a second I heard footsteps coming after me

Goodwitch: "MR (L/N)!!!" She screamed I widened my eyes through my mask watching Goodwutch actually sprint to get too me so I decided I'd give her a chase she'd never forget

(Y/n): "deeps" I then ran away at breakneck speed causing the windows around her to shatter and as I ran I heard a scream coming from behind me

(Y/n): "I-I think I broke her" I laughed


Once I made it into class I looked around and saw team RWBY sitting with a free spot next to them but I ignored it and went to sit beside some blonde haired guy

Blondy: "Hey aren't you going to sit with your team?"

(Y/n): "Who those bitches sure" I said he widened his eyes in surprise off my remark to team RWBY

Blondy: "Take that back Team RWBY are good people" He defended

(Y/n): "You think you know them but you don't"

Blondy: "Ruby stood up for me and helped me see that I had to be a better leader"

(Y/n): "Who knows mabye you were that bad that she realised you needed to get your shit together so the first years didn't seem like a bunch of dumbasses, now just don't talk to me it's bad enough I got dragged into Beacon" The blondy then began to think about what I said before turning back to me

Jaune: "Ok I think we got off on the wrong foot my names Jaune Arc yours?"

(Y/n): "Spellbound (L/n)" I answered I then took out my headphones and played punching bag on my scroll Jaune then started to seem like he was trying to start up a conversation but I ignored him the whole way through...things were going well until Goodwitch showed up

Goodwitch: "MR (L/N) GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!"

(Y/n): "I'm good right here" I said everyone then looked at me with confused expressions but I refused to look at any of them

Goodwitch: "Well now, have any of you heard of Spellbound?" She asked and all of Team RWBY along with some red haired girl, black haired boy and ginger haired girl placed their hands up

(Y/n): "Wait don't tell me...."

Goodwitch: "Well for those of you who don't know who he is, he is a self proclaimed hunter that goes about fighting Grim"

(Y/n): "Goodbitch you actual bitch...."

Goodwitch: "But as he doesn't have a hunters license he was make to come to Beacon by Ozpins orders"

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