Aftermath And Conclusion

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*Again! This is not the final chapter

Ruby: "(Y/n) can you get down here!"

Yang: "(Y/n)~ you can't ignore us you lost fair and square"


Ruby: "Should we go get him?"

Yang: "Yeah let's go" The two walk up to a door that looks to be better than the rest of the ones along the corridor "Last chance~"


Yang: "*turns around* Ok Ruby stand back" Yang then punched the door down and as the door flung open a regular looking room was infront of the two

Ruby: "Ok (Y/n) time to come down" She said. (Y/n) didn't reply. He was sitting on his bed with a bandage around his mouth and his amulet....was off?

Yang: "You heard Ruby come on" (Y/n) just shook his head "Your not still mad at us are you?" Out of nowhere Weiss and Blake arrived and began talking with Ruby

Yang: "Come on (N/n)-"

(Y/n): "SHUT UP! DON'T CALL ME ANYTHING APART FROM SPELLBOUND I HATE YOU, YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR TEAM LEAVE ME ALONE!" (Y/n)'s voice was muffled but Yang, Weiss, Blake and Ruby understood him well

Yang then sat next to (Y/n) and forcefully made him sit next to her and Ruby joined in as well on his right. While Weiss shut the door and Blake sat on a chair infront of them

Yang: "(Y/n) you lost the fight. Nick is gone, Star is dead and Dalton and Fill you just have to accept that you've lost it all your with us now"

Ruby: "So start talking to us like we're family and forget everything that happened in the past" Balke then stood up

Blake: "Look, I have no weapons on me I'm here to make sure we can be brother and sister again"

Weiss: "And don't bother trying to run we're staying here wether you like it or not plus why do you think you were sent to Ruby and Yang's house?"

Ruby: "Yep! Mom, Dad, Uncle Qrow and Aunt Raven are all keeping an eye on you too"

Yang: "So try and get comfortable"

Blake: "This will be a long night"


Being: "Yes. The fight did not go in the favour of team (Y)SND's favour...and well you've clearly just seen what is happening to (Y/n) now so without further ado let's go to Nick"
Being: "Kidding!"

Being: "None of that happened! You see this is just the possible future that will happen if (Y/n) loses the fight and this is also a spell (Y/n) placed on himself. A spell that let him see another timeline of his that would anger him, combined with the beast mode, well you can tell how dangerous he'll be"

Being: "And if you don't get it your problem! Now back to the real story now"



Ghira was holding back the abnormal deathstalker but didn't seem to be doing well while Blake and Ruby were trying to get Nick to help them

Blake: "Why are you so! Stubborn!"

Nick: "Because you guys are evil"

Ruby: "The bad guys are evil! We're not!"

Nick: "What did you do to (Y/n)?" Ruby and Blake were shocked and Ruby began to start sobbing

Blake: "Your lucky Yang isn't here right now"

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