Eating troubles

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TW - Eating disorder

3rd persons pov
You were slowly falling back into your old habits, but there was nothing you could do to stop it. It started off with skipping breakfast, because that's the social norm. You then started to do some extra exercise, and cut out what you told yourself, were unnecessary snacks. It had gotten far enough to the point you were skipping meal after meal, barely even eating. You were slowly killing yourself, but you did nothing to stop it. How could you?

You didn't want anyone to notice, and you tried your absolute hardest to to cover it up. Your plan had almost managed to work. You almost had everyone fooled. Key word, almost. The only person who could see right through your little act, was the highly trained assassin herself, Natasha Romanoff.

Natasha had noticed right from the start, picking up on the little changes, and watching as you slowly started to isolate yourself. She tried her best to push you to have dinner with the rest of the team, or even be as simple as watching a movie, and eating snacks with her.

At first, it was working, but you started to realize what she was doing, and tried to push yourself away from her as much as possible. No matter how much your heart was telling you to go reach out to her for help, or even just a simple hug, your head was telling you to avoid her at all costs. "You cant let her know", "No one can know", "It's not that bad", "This is for your own good anyway". All these thoughts spiraling in your head, and it was all starting to be too much for you.

Natasha couldn't bare to see you like this anymore, so she finally decided to muster up the courage, and ask what's truly going on with you.

Y/n's pov
I'm laying in bed, scrolling on tiktok until I hear a knock on my door. strange. I say a light "come in" and I watch as the door opens, to reveal the one and only russian spy herself. "Hey, I was wondering if we could just talk". I hear Natasha say as she closes the door behind her, and slowly makes her way to the edge of your bed.

"Um, yeah sure. What do you wanna talk about?" I ask as I sit up against the headboard. She slightly raises her eyebrow and says "I think you know what i'm about to ask you". she says with a stoic face. With that my eyes widen, and i'm totally freaking out on the inside, already knowing what's about to happen, but I decide to play dumb.

"Um, no. I don't know what you're gonna ask me". She raises her eyebrow again, giving me a look, then she lets out a sigh. "I wanted to ask how you're doing darling. I've noticed you've been skipping meals, and I wanna try to understand what's happening in that pretty little head of yours". She says, putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

I'm not gonna give into her, at least not that easy. I respond with a "I don't know what you're talking about. You're just overreacting over nothing" I say with a roll of my eyes.

Natasha's gaze turns into a look of concern and she softly says "y/n/n, I know you don't want to but you need help. You're hurting yourself and you know it. I can not, will not stand by you while you're doing this to yourself. I want to help you, and i'll be there every step of the way, just please tell me what's going on".

With that, my eyes start to brim with tears. I can't do this anymore. Natasha starts to notice that and sits next to me, with her back against the headboard, and pulls me into her lap. I sob into her neck and cling to her as if she's going to disappear. She just slowly sways us back and forth, humming a soft russian lullaby from her past which starts to calm me down.

As my sobs die down, she continues swaying us back and forth, while tracing patterns on my back with her fingers. I then finally pull my head out of her neck and look her in the eyes. I slowly shove my head back into her neck finding  comfort in it and ask, "I'm going to have to accept im gonna get help now, aren't I?" I say quietly.

She nods, kisses the back of my head, then repeats "You're going to have accept you're going to get help detka". "And you'll be with me the entire time?" You ask, your voice slightly breaking, and hope laced in your voice. She nods again and says "I'll be with you the entire time. I'm not going anywhere dorogoy" She says and I snuggle up closer to her and say "I'm sorry about everything I put you through, I love you Nat".

She frowns a little, and says "You have nothing to be sorry for, you didn't choose this. And I love you more little one". To Nat's surprise you were already asleep, and soon, she fell asleep with you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Authors note - Thank you so much for reading this, and to whoever is struggling with an eating disorder, please, please, please reach out to someone you love or trust. It helps so much and recovery is worth it. You're worth it. As always my dm's are always open if you ever need someone to talk, or vent to. stay safe <3

Word count 858

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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