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TW - none

Y/n's pov
My eyes slowly opened opened, only to see it's 8am. Shit. I missed morning training with Steve that started almost 2 hours ago. He's definitely going to question me about it later. I groan as I slowly get out of bed, which was proven to be difficult because of my pounding headache.

I feel so tired, but I decide to brush it off because I have training with Nat in 2 hours. I take a nice warm shower to help my aching muscles. I put on some training clothes, and drag myself downstairs. I'm exhausted.

I enter the kitchen and see Wanda cooking breakfast, and Thor and Sam arguing over poptarts. I laugh a little as I go to sit at the kitchen counter, and immediately put my head down already wanting the day to be over.

Wanda walks over to me and places a plate of pancakes in front of me and says "Hey sleepyhead". I just look up at her and let out a small "hi". She just smiles and goes back to the soup she was cooking, sensing I wasn't in the mood to talk.

I just play around with the food, eating a few bites here and there, not really in the mood to eat because of the sudden urge to throw up.

After a couple minutes, Wanda comes over and takes the plate. "It's ok if you're not hungry right now. Do you want to eat something later?". I reply with a short "Yeah, thanks Wands". She then nods, and hesitates before asking, "Are you feeling well, you look a little tired". I just say "I'm fine". She gives me a knowing look before saying, "Ok, just don't overwork yourself". I nod, then start to head towards the training room.

 I walk in 10 minutes early, to see Nat wrapping her hands. I just stand at the doorway until she looks up and says "Hey, you're here early. We're just gonna start with some light sparring for now". I nod, and make my way towards the bench. I start to wrap my hands until Natasha takes it away from me, with her famous smirk on her face. She starts to wrap my hands for me. "You know I can wrap my own hands right?" I say with a smile.

She returns the smile and says "I know". We sit in a comfortable silence while she wraps my hands, until I feel a wave of nausea take over me, which doesn't go unnoticed by the trained assassin. "You ok kid? You look a little pale". I look up at her and reply with a quick "Yeah I'm fine. Lets just start sparring already so I can beat you" She looks a little unconvinced but says "Don't get too ahead of yourself tiger". I just roll my eyes.

Natasha's pov
As we start sparring, I notice that Y/n's punches were a little slow, and she was off balance. Dodging punch after punch, I decide to throw a small kick, only to send her flying across the sparring ring.

She starts to throw up so I immediately hold her hair up, and rub small circles on her back. I can hear her small sobs so I pull her into me and start to rock us back and forth while saying "Shh, shh. You're ok. It's all gonna be ok detka". Her cries start to die down, so I pick her up and she nuzzles her face into my neck.

She then asks "Tasha, where are we going?". I stroke the back of her head and say "I'm getting you to bed so you can rest. and no complaining". She lets out a small whine, but agrees nevertheless.

On the way to Y/N's room we pass Wanda, who gives me a questioning look. I tell her that Y/N's sick, so she went back down to the kitchen to bring her soup and medicine. I on the other hand, brought her into her bathroom. I placed her onto the basin, and started a bath for her. "Y/n honey, do you think you can take your clothes off for me?". 

She nods, so I turn around and give her some privacy. After a couple of minutes she lets out a couple of frustrated whines and asks in a small voice, so quiet I almost didn't hear it. "can you help me?".

I turn around and a smile crept onto my face. Y/n had always been so independent because of her childhood, which breaks my heart because she's still just a kid. It's nice to see her walls finally coming down.

I quickly take her clothes off, and lower her into the bath. It's a comfortable silence as I massage the shampoo in her hair. I can see her visibly relax, and soon she falls asleep. She must've been exhausted.

I take her out of the bath, and start to dry her with a towel. She starts to stir in her sleep, but eventually stops. I put her into one of my hoodies, knowing how much comfort it gives her, and her favorite pair of plaid pants. I slowly pick her up, making sure not to wake her up, and put her in bed.

I see Wanda sitting at the edge of her bed, and the soup and medicine on the bedside table. I contemplate whether waking her up or not, and decide to let her sleep for a little bit. I sit next to Wanda, and start some small talk with her.

Y/n's pov
I slowly open my eyes to see Wanda sitting to my right, and Nat sitting to my left. I slowly sit up, with the help of Wanda. Nat then gives me a look and says, "Dorogoy, I know you don't want to, but you have to take some medicine. It'll help you feel better".  At first I refuse, but Nat skillfully holds my chin up, and places a syringe between my lips, and it goes down my throat. Once she's 100% sure I swallowed it, she lets go of my chin and says "Good girl".

My cheeks start to turn into a shade of pink realizing how embarrassing this is, having to rely on the two older women. "I'm so so sorry you guys have to do this" I say. "Do what, sweetheart?" Wanda asks. "All of this. I have to rely on both of you to take care of me, and I can't even do anything by myself. it's so dumb".

Nat is quick to reply with "Hey, hey, it's not dumb ok? And quite frankly, it's nice seeing this cute, happy side of you. We both love taking care of you, whether you're sick or not".  With that I cuddle closer to Nat, and grab Wanda's hand, and cuddle it to my chest.

For once, everything is going well, and I quickly fall asleep. Nat and Wanda also fall asleep, not too long after.


Authors note - I know this sucks, but I really hope you guys enjoy this. This is my first chapter, and please tell me if you have any requests or questions. You can always talk to me whenever, my dm's are always open. Stay safe <3        

Word count - 1145

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