Safe Place

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Saiya's POV

Glass splattered under the weight of their heavy footsteps. I tried to decipher how many intruders there were but my heart thumped loudly in my ears and my panic was too distracting.

Intrusive thoughts were my only company in the small enclosed space as the footsteps got even louder... closer. I silently prayed that the footsteps did not belong to a man or worse, men.

Panic struck through me like current. I tried to swallow but I couldn't. My hair stuck to the sweat that covered my face, arms, and neck. My hot shallow breaths filled the enclosed space of the cabinet. The thumping of my heart was deafening.

I was afraid.

There was no time to stop the panic attack that took hold of me. I didn't even stand a chance against it. I grabbed onto the oversized t-shirt I slept in as the chest pains took over. My breathing came out in gasps and the small space made things a thousand times worse as my heart rate quickened beyond my control. Waves of tears streamed from my eyes as I sat in the darkness choking on my own dismay.

Light rushed into the cabinet as the door was swung open. I jerked away from the light as if it had threatened to set me on fire. Jerking away resulted in me hitting my head hard against the back frame of the cabinet.

I braced in fear of what was to come next. A hand was extended into view and I screeched at it as I frantically tried to pushed myself away but the cabinet hindered my advances.

"Sai! Saiya! It's me! Calm down! It's me, you're safe."

A familiar deep voice laced with concern washed over me and the relief I felt was euphoric.


His name dripped from my lips laced in the unbelief that  I felt. There was no way he was here. There's no way he... found me.

He pulled me out of the cabinet by my arms and I melted into his. We both fell to the floor and I sat kneeling between his legs. I held onto him tightly in fear that he would disappear if my grip loosened even a little. Sobs of relief rushed out of me and my lungs greedily soaked up the fresh air that surrounded him.

I felt so happy to have him here. I almost couldn't believe that he was. That he found me, that I was safe.

"You're always hiding away in kitchen cabinets Saiya. Do you have any idea of what I've been through to find you?" The temperature of his voice was filled with relief but his words gave away his annoyance.

Attics are scary and a lot of times hard to get into and kitchen cabinets aren't really the first place that people run to after coming home so sue me for making it a regular hiding spot. I thought to myself.

What did he go through to find me? I wondered. The question was completely overshadowed by the overwhelming gratefulness I felt towards him for being here. I didn't care where he came from or how he got here, I was just grateful that he was.

I didn't think that I would see him again so soon. I didn't plan on ever seeing him again. But in this moment I felt so grateful that he did go through whatever trouble he did to find me.

The last time I saw Orson was the night before Emmy and I broke into this home that one of her friends told her about. Orson's obsession with perfection had ticked me off and it triggered an even bigger fight between us. I was done trying to figure out the mystery of Orson. I had had enough. So I never told him that Emmy and I had planned to stay here. I had just left. Which am sure he's still pissed about right now. I felt a twinge of guilt.

Orson and I had met a year and a half ago. He was an acquaintance of Emmy's that became fixated on me. He has been a constant in my life ever since.

Orson is a charmer. It didn't take very long for me to developed a crush on him but he shot me down when I confessed. He's not the type of guy that can and I quote "Give me the rainbow sunshine kind of love that I am looking for".

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