Let Me Go

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Saiya's POV

The landscape was breathtaking. The greenery, the lakes, the fresh feel of being someplace new. The exhilarating feeling of the possibilities of a new beginning. It made me smile. It was the first time I genuinely smiled since all this mayhem started.

"I see you're feeling better." His voice was lighthearted and it made my heart melt. I soaked up every syllable and I wanted to hear more. Apparently the time he spent upset with me took a lot more out of me than I would like to admit. Hearing him be so friendly put me at ease.

"I do. Thanks to you Orson. You're always saving me and there for me when I need you. Only if you weren't such a mystery."

"Let's stick to topics that won't piss you off shall we." He countered.

I huffed. "How long until we stop? I need to get out of this car."

He chuckled. "I knew that was coming sooner or later and it's not a car Saiya it's a truck and we're almost there. His voice was playful and lighthearted and when I looked over at him he looked exactly as he sounded. His expression melted my heart. He just looked so content and at peace. Like he had found his place in the world and was satisfied. He was often like this around me. I wonder if he perceives his place in the world next to me like I do mines next to Emmy.

Seeing him happy made me happy. And I had to admit… I missed Orson.

"So, how did you find me?" I asked hoping to continued a conversation with him. I had more interest in hearing more of his voice rather than the actual answer to the question itself.

"I. Will. Always. Find you, Saiya. It doesn't matter the means." He said sternly. I decided to switch the subject. I wasn't going to achieve my goal continuing it. I wanted to hear more of his calm voice not get a deflecting lecture. So I tucked the topic away before continuing with another. "Where are we going?"

"We're already here." He said before pulling onto a dirt road then into the driveway of a old log house in the middle of nowhere.

"What is this? Your secret hideout?" I teased. On closer inspection of the place it actually wasn't as bad as first glance. Don't get me wrong it was an old log house in the middle of nowhere. But something about it gave off the impression that it was properly maintained. The grass was not over grown and there were no busted windows. The doors were properly sealed and the wood on the house looked sturdy. Altogether the property looked like it was vacant but owned. That's if you were even able to spot it through the thick trees that enclosed it.

"How did you even find this place?"

"It's mine, Saiya."

"Yeah? What were you? On the run?" I questioned. He didn't respond. Instead he took both our bags and got out of the truck and made his way towards the house.

Sure! And next time you ask me a question how about I do the same thing back to you. I called out to him as I slammed the truck door and followed behind.

Once we both were at the door he watched me challengingly. He looked amused. I know his game. He wants me to defy him so that he could show me that there was no use defying him.

"I like my space, Saiya. I lived out here before I met you and took up residence closer to that breakdown apartment you refused to move out of."

His jab about my apartment went completely over my head. I was taken aback at the fact that he just willingly opened up to me about his past.

Shock took my expression and my mouth opened but no words fell out. Did he really just tell me something about his past?? I stared at him trying to conceal my surprise.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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