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Saiya's POV

I woke up breathless. My heart hammered in my chest as I laid in bed. My restless sleep was evident in my aching muscles as I rolled from my side onto my back.

I dreamt about her...

It felt so surreal seeing her. How suddenly it went from being each other's everyday to becoming a presence that was not at all.

She's been gone for over two weeks now and I am out of time. I can not wait here for her any longer. I am afraid.

I wake up exhausted. I sleep on edge. There is not a moment that passes anymore that I do not fear the inevitable arrival of the owners of this house. I was usually so organized but the room I woke up in scraped the boarders of what I considered chaotic. Tissue papers, sleep medicine bottles, and clothing littered the tan carpet. I was being too lax and I didn't care... I didn't have the energy to care. Emmy was gone.

The soft bed I laid in was pushed against the wall as it cushioned the center of the large mint green room. A window hung to the right of the bed frame about two feet away. The dresser drawers were brand new and empty. The entire house seemed like it was just built. I lost count of how many times I found myself wishing that it was actually mine. The home was beautiful but it lacked soul. I found it difficult to decipher what kind of person or people lived here.

I knew nothing about this place and Emmy wasn't much help in putting me in the know about it either. She just said that it was safe for us to stay here for two weeks but thanks to that trip she went on she hasn't even spent a night here.

She was supposed to be back twelve days ago. She went to the town over to search for some exotic animal so that she could add pictures of it to her blog. She convinced her boyfriend James to go on the five day trip with her and she promised to keep in contact with me until she got back. But I haven't heard from her since she left.

Something had to happen. I tried not fearing the worst but it was hard. I felt lost and worried.

Emmy is a free spirit. She loves to roam and see things that are out of the ordinary and not commonly experienced. It's one of the things I love about her. Her and her boyfriend had just gotten back together three days before they left but they have been on and off for years.

Needless to say I've been worried about her from the start. James' lack of care and control when he's around Emmy is concerning. He always takes more than he gives when it comes to her. They went to the same school together from elementary to high school. He has been Emmy's crush probably before she even knew what a crush was. She always said that she wished that he was her first but I never understood her sentiment. The guy was a jerk. And he may have been what was hot in high school but out here in the real world he certainly wasn't. Emmy just desperately wants to be loved unconditionally by someone but am not sure she even knows what love even looks like.

I couldn't tell her, because honestly I didn't know what it looked like either. I just had a clear picture of what it wasn't. But when it came to Emmy her picture was blurred. Emmy wants the kind of love her soul is burning for. The kind she had been mercilessly deprived of her whole life and sometimes it scared me just how much she was willing to sacrifice for it but at the same time I understood the sentiment.

But James has always been bad news and he never really cared about Emmy. I just wish that she could see that. He's the entire reason that we got kicked out of our last apartment. Which we managed to keep for nine months before he came back along might I add. Sure the apartment was a dump but it was a steady roof over our heads and a place that we actually were permitted to stay. We didn't have to get up every morning and worry about where we would be resting our heads that night. Or sleep on edge wondering if the owners of whatever home we had broken into would return to find us. And we didn't have to beg or do anything demeaning to stay there. It was ours and we paid the rent. And now because of his antics we've been homeless again for three months. Needless to say I haven't really gotten over that.

This is the longest that Emmy and I have ever been apart since we ran away from home a little over three years ago. Around that time Emmy was already eighteen and it was the day before my seventeenth birthday. Neither of us were gonna make it another day in the houses we lived in. Emmy's family was abusive. And after my mother was murdered Officer Luke got custody of me. But dear ole daddy had other plans in mind rather than being a father. Plans I had no intention of sticking around for him to see through. So we ran away.

Back then we were just two naive kids who didn't know up from down. Reality was a merciless pill to swallow. We thought that after we ran away that we would get jobs and our own apartments and that we would live good lives together. But our first night on the streets dawned into the second then the first month and then a year had passed.

Emmy isn't just an average friend, she's my person. We did life together. Her and I had history. A bond that wasn't created over juice boxes and lunch room tables like other kids. But over broken homes with parents and siblings that tried to break us just as much. Dark days and cold nights gravitated us to one another and we found not only warmth in each other but family.

I thought that life was hard before and it has been but... it's excruciating without her now that am all alone. Emmy and I might of went through hell but we went through it together. And now...

I felt so lost, so alone. My heart ached. Tears streamed from my eyes to dampened the pillow I laid on. "Emmy. Where are you?" My voice came out in a whisper and I wasn't sure if I was talking to myself or to her.

Then I noticed footsteps coming from outside the window. My heart accelerated.

It beat so fast I thought it had stopped. My adrenaline kicked in and I quickly and quietly slipped from underneath the covers and out of the bedroom door. I dashed into the kitchen, bending down as I moved across the floor in an attempt to not be seen through the glass wall that separated the kitchen from the backyard.

I went straight for the kitchen cabinet. It was my designated hiding spot for situations like this. I stuffed myself into the kitchen cabinet underneath the sink to hide. I listened for voices. Movement. Anything! But the silence was so loud.

A few moments passed and I heard a loud crash. Something solid hit the floor along with shattered glass. My heart froze, I couldn't find my breath and I burst into cold sweats.

Somebody was breaking in!

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