Chapter 7

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*FYI I honestly don't care if you skip the body of this chapter. Just read the beginning and end of this chapter and you'll be fine.*

Adriana's POV

Even though I basically copied Leo the entire time (It wasn't that hard because we both are left footed), I feel like I actually did fairly well at FC Barcelona's soccer practice. For a girl who is not in the pros, I did amazing.

At the end of practice every day they had a tradition to play scrimmage. They would choose two team captains and then play a game. It would be full field, but only half an hour.

Until then, we worked on ball control. A soccer player can never have to much ball control, no matter what level they played at. There were some simple drills that every soccer coach should use, such as dribbling around cones and racing while dribbling. We did relay races. I was not terribly good at that. I have always been one of the faster kids that I knew, but I was in the upper-middle range among these men.

"Wow, Adriana." I heard a voice say. I turned around to see Neymar. "You are probably the fastest girl that I know. Do you run a lot?"

"I try to go running every day, actually. It has always been my dream to be an athlete, whether it is on a race track or a soccer field." I answered truthfully. I woke up every morning at 4:30 and went out for a 45 minute run. I would run 5 miles, then in the last 20 minutes do wind sprints.

"Can I join you sometime? I'm sure that it would be good practice running with an already famous soccer player. And I bet that you would enjoy my company too. Wouldn't that be nice?" Neymar responded. Man, he was so good at talking. Almost every guy that tried to flirt with me stuttered a lot. Neymar just let the words roll right off of his tongue and be all smooth.

Stop it, Adriana. You have a boyfriend.

But of course, my mouth just going to say what is on my mind. That thing is going to get me killed someday.

"I would love it for you to join me. Meet me in front of Leo's/my house tomorrow at 4:30 in the morning?" I said. At least I didn't stutter.

"That would be spectacular. I am looking forward to it." He said with a wink, and then he walked away.

The two captains of the scrimmage teams were defenders that I had never heard of. Some guys that usually did not play on the field much. I might have known them if I still was a Barça fan, but I had switched sides thanks to my boyfriend. Oh, I love him.

The red team had first pick and ball first. They chose Leo. No surprise there.

Blue team got to choose the two people, and they chose Neymar and Suarez. Again, no surprises yet.

Eventually, I was the only one left. I was never, ever, in anything, the last one picked. It just does not work that way. THEY MUST PAY.

Then, red team kind of said "Ah, you can have her. It's OK. We'll kick your butts anyway." Leo did not join in on this giving me away.

I was going to make my brother's team pay. Badly. I must humiliate them into thinking that they should choose me as one of the first. I hope I don't fail. That would be embarrassing. It would also explain why I was chosen last. Oh well. Either way this situation wasn't going to turn out terribly. I could live with that. I would prefer to not to have to worry about it, but I would survive.

Anyway, my team had no idea where to put me. At all. So they just figured "Oh, she is related to Leo. She must play left winger. Let's put her there because we already have the rest of the forward positions."

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