Chapter 27

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Adriana's POV

I arrived on the front steps of Joshua's house, and it reminded me of Cris's house, except Cris's house was 400 times the size, out something like that. 

I was dressed in a baggy Adidas sweater and Adidas pants, not really caring what people thought of me. I rang the doorbell, and after hearing a crash, a yelp, and a long string of curse words, the door was finally opened.

"You ok?" I asked, looking at Josh, whose face was red and was clutching his foot in pain.

"I stubbed my toe on the side table and knocked down a light... but nothing is broken so I think it will be fine." He said, still red in the face.

"Can I come in?" I asked, trying to peak around his shoulder. Almost anyone else, and I was probably going to have been looking under their shoulder.

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry. My place is a bit of a mess." He said sheepishly.

"Will you stop treating me like a delicate flower and actually treat me like I look? Can you just pretend I'm a guy?" I asked, knowing that this would help later on.

"Ok. Fine." He said with an evil glint in his eye. "Go make some popcorn, you idiot. I need food in order to beat you." He said.

"Well then." I said, knowing this was probably how guys treated each other.

I looked in the kitchen, to find that this dude must be obsessed with popcorn. There were at least 30 bags of unpopped popcorn, waiting to be eaten.

I quickly grabbed a couple and put them in the microwave, because I was hungry too.

I then brought them out, and attempted to find where ever Josh decided to camp out.

"Josh, you idiot! Where are you?" I yelled into the house, wondering where the heck he set up his PS4.

"I'm in the living room!" He responded from my left.

"Where the heck is the living room?" I shouted.

All of the sudden, I felt a hand grab my arm. I yelped in surprise, and by instinct, I immediately kicked whoever grabbed onto me.

Then I realized it was Josh.


"You did kill me. My leg hurts like it was dipped in molten lava. Dang, why do you have to kick so hard?" He grumbled.

"You grabbed my arm! You are so lucky I didn't dump the popcorn on you." I remarked to him.

"I love it how you put my career on the line for a bowl of popcorn. You sure have your priorities straight." He sarcastically said to me.

"I really don't care about your team. Hala Madrid!" I yelled in his ears.

"But what about your brother and Neymar? I know you love them both!" He taunted.

"But I am a Madridista, and you can't convert me so easily, Leo and Ney have already tried, and failed. You can try as hard as you want, there is no way I am going back to Barca, or switching totally to Bayern. Nope. No way." I said proudly.

"Wait, you were a Cule with your brother and crush, and then you switched to Madrid, and you won't support your own team. Is that it?" He questioned, confused. "What aren't you telling me?"

"My ex-boyfriend was the one who converted me into a Madridista. Now can we actually play FIFA? I made food." I bribed.

"Only because you brought food. This conversation isn't over." He said and walked off to wherever he kept his gaming materials.

We quickly set up and started choosing teams.

"New rule!" I yelled. "You can only have players that you have played with. Not against, with. And if you have practiced with them, it counts." I said. He was in for some surprises.

"But the only good team I have played with is Bayern Munich. Do I just play as them?" He asked.

"I guess. It will take a minute to make my squad." I said, trying to figure out which people from Real, Barca, or Bayern to put in. I was probably going to end up with a mostly Real squad.

After 10 minutes of comparing stats, I was finally done.

"There," I said, admiring my work.

"What? You have Ronaldo? And Messi? And Neymar?" He asked with wide eyes. This was a fairly unbeatable team.

"And James Rodriguez. And Pepe, and Pique." I nodded.

"And you only took one of our players! ONLY NEUER! You can't do that! That is insulting!" He yelled at me.

"I only chose the best." I shrugged. "Can we play already?"

"I hate you." He grumbled and started the game.

I won, obviously, but only after a bit of cursing and distracting each other with slaps to the face. And throwing popcorn. 

It was a very fair game. NOT. I dominated.

"Good game," I said, smirking. It really wasn't.

"I am going to kill you. That was totally unfair! You had all the better players!" Josh protested.

"Did you just admit that Barca and Real were better than Bayern?" I asked.

"I just said you had better individual players," He said snootily.

"So that means yeah," I concluded.

We fell into an awkward silence while trying to figure out what to do next.

I blurted out the first thing that came to mind because I hate awkward silences.

"You know what, you are probably my best friend at Bayern," I said and he smiled. "I am going to call you Joshy." I thought out loud.

"Really?" He asked, giving me a face that said: Seriously? "I thought you were going to say something really heartfelt and then confess your love for me instead of Neymar, but then you come up with an annoying nickname for me. Way to get my hopes up." He said and I laughed.

"You're welcome, Joshy." I responded.

"Do you just have nicknames for all your good friends? Becuase I would hate to be your friend then." He questioned me.

"Yeah, just about. James is Mr. Smiley or Juan. Cristiano is Cris, Crissy, Ron, or Ronnie. Gareth is Gary. Neymar is Ney or Neyney. Iker is icy. You know, that kind of thing." I said happily, thinking of my good friends, and then Cris.

"So you basically make fun of their names and then you have a nickname? Are you always this annoying?" He asked.

"I am not annoying. I am FABULOUS." I said while attempting to do a dramatic hair flip, not remembering that I hardly had any hair to flip.

"Well then, that was beautiful." He said while clapping his hands slowly.

"If you prove to be a good friend, I might teach you the ways of the fabulous. Until then, take notes." I teased in an old man voice.

"You are a weird child." He said to me, shaking his head.

"And I am proud of it!" I shouted with my arms outstretched and my legs trying (and failing) to do the splits.

Me attempting the splits never ends well, and this time was no exception... I fell on my face.

Joshy, of course, had to think of a smart alec thing to say: "And you wonder why your face is like that."


Author's Note : I wanted I dedicate this to _lizrose_ because even though I do not know her in real life (even though wattpad is life), she is a great writer just waiting to be discovered, and she has encouraged me to keep writing even though we didn't know one another existed until recently.

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