Chapter 52

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Neymar's POV

I can't believe Adriana would have to guts to go around and lie to everyone.

I was trying to tell the truth, but she had to have done some kind of special effects thing just to make everyone think that they really were two people.

The nerve of that girl.

Who else would want to do the same thing with Adriana? Expose her for the fake she really was?

Wait, didn't she say that her and Arjen Robben didn't really get along?

I just might have another ally.

Lionel's POV

So, at first, Adriana was caught in between me and Cris, but now I am caught in between her and Neymar. Two of my favorite people in the world, but they are both trying to expose one another.

How am I even supposed to do this?

Do I side with my twin or my best friend? Or do I just try to stay out of the entire situation? I can hardly just ignore the epic rivalry going on, so I have to choose a side. But If I choose Adriana, Neymar will probably want to change soccer teams. But if I choose Neymar, then people will think that I am a bad brother and that I should not be liked.

Why does this have to be so difficult?

Cris's POV

Adri and I had walked out of the Nike store, and made sure theat the two Bayern boys had gone in the opposite direction as if we never saw each other and the whole hugging thing never happened.

I sure hope that there were no cameras. I could really not use another huge uproar with the media about Adriana being unfaithful. She is not. She likes me and me alone.


Did she like someone else too?

Adriana's POV

I was overjoyed to see Joshy, one of the few guys who I had met at Bayern Munich who was genuinely friendly and not just flirting.

Plus he knew the song Titanium.

And Robert, my soon to be Polak teammate, who I had respect for, even if he couldn't flirt with a girl if his life depended on it.

Cris and I had walked around a bit more, and had gotten ice cream. It's our cheat day, okay? Even Cristiano Ronaldo has his cheat days.

Plus, I can't say no to gummy bears.

"Cris?" I asked, looking at his face. He seemed confused or protective or something. "What are you thinking about?"

Cris's POV

"What?" I asked, snapping out of a daze.

"You okay? You're making weird faces," She said, looking up at me.

"I was thinking," I said, looking away. She could read my facial expressions perfectly, and I knew that if she had found out about me having some doubt in her.

"About what?" She asked, holding onto my arm.

"My little angel. The one who acts all mean to everyone else, but is a beauty to me," I said.

"You should have seen what happened the other day. James called me a squishy little worm," She said with a laugh.

I paid her a compliment, and she thought about James. What is wrong with that? You might ask. But there was no thank you or return compliment or anything, just talking about James.

"Are you jealous?" She asked, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Jealous? I don't get jealous," I responded, trying to brush away the topic.

"But you were jealous when Neymar and I got together," She said.

"Okay, fine. I do get jealous, but only when someone tries to steal my girl," I said.

"Yeah, like Martin, the innocent kid?" She said, suddenly remembering the whole incident there.

"No, not like that. I thought he was going to try to, you know, do it," I said.

"Yeah, right," She said. "He was an innocent young boy who was just out of a relationship. I was comforting him."

"Comforting him? Fine. Sure. I get it," I said, kind of bitterly.

"Can you give me some time?" She asked me. "I don't want to argue."

"You want to take a break?" I asked, surprised. It seemed to have been out of the blue. Or maybe I just didn't pick up on her emotions as good as I used to be able to.

"Yeah. I think that it would be best. Just so I can cool down and think a little bit. You know, wrap my mind around the past few weeks," She said, rubbing her fingers on her temples.

"Is this your way of breaking up with me?" I squeaked with disbelief.

"No. This is not goodbye. For sure. I just want to focus on Adrian a little bit more," She whispered.

"Oh, okay. You could have just said that," I said, relieved.

"I did," She said with a smart alec tone. "I literally just did."

"Okay, you know what?" I said with a playful annoyance.

"What?" She said.

"I really hate you sometimes," I said.

"You really have every right to," She said. "Now, I need some new PJs. Let's go get me some PJs."

"Fine. Just say please," I teased.

"I swear, Cris, You act like such a white girl sometimes," She sighed, shaking her head.

"Oh my God, Becky," I decided to tease. "Look at her butt."

"Are you quoting Sir Mix-a-Lot at me?" She demmanded. I saw her eyes widen with horror and realization.

"It is so big. She looks like one of those rap guys girlfriends," I said.

"NO CRIS! DON'T DO IT!" She exclaimed

"But, ya know, who understands those rap guys?" I said, doing a pretend hair flip.

"Cris. Don't you even dare. I will slap you upside the head," She said, resorting to her deadly calm voice.

"They only talk to her, because she looks like a total prostitute, 'kay?" I continued.

"Cris. I am begging you. Don't do this," She said, almost getting on her hands and knees.

"I mean, her butt, is just so big. I can't believe it's just so round, it's like out there" I said, knowing now was not the time to just give into Adri's begging and puppy dog eyes.

"Please?" She said, getting down onto her knees. I just grinned evilly and continued.

"I mean gross, look. She's just so, black," I said. (BTW THIS IS NOT RACIST IF YOU INTERPRET IT THAT WAY. THIS IS THE ACTUAL LYRICS) 

At this point, she just put her head in her hands and tried to walk away like she didn't know me. But I just grabbed her by the shoulders and burst into song, hoping other people would join me.

"I LIKE BIG BUTTS AND I CANNOT LIE!" I shouted into the mall, an some other people joined me.

"I don't know you," Adri grumbled while in my arms.

But, at this point, I had started a chain reaction.

Everyone started singing "Baby Got Back", and I just stood there smugly, Adri in my arms.

"I hate you," she grumbled.

"You can't get rid of me," I said.

"You're right. Neither would I want to."

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