The Last of Us: Left Behind

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Cinematics are small, pre-rendered cut-scenes in the The Last of Us, Left Behind and The Last of Us Part II. They show key events, such as meeting new characters and entering new areas in the game.

Back In A Flash

Third POV

[Sony Computer Entertainment presents slide is seen before the cut-scene starts.]
[The scene begins with a series of brief recaps from Joel, Zitkala, Little Creek and Ellie's experience at the University of Eastern Colorado and their escape from the cannibals. It cuts to black at the moment Joel falls from Callus. The Naughty Dog logo appears on scene.] [The scene reopens to Ellie lying asleep on her bunk bed in her room at the military Preparatory School in Boston, a few weeks before meeting Joel. A door opens and in walks Riley Abel, who climbs on top of Ellie.] "[Imitating Clicker.] Raaa!" Riley said. [Ellie awakens.] "Ah!" Ellie said startled.

[Ellie throws Riley off of her onto the floor, taking her switchblade from underneath her pillow. She prepares to stab Riley only to recognize her.] "Riley?" Ellie asks in disbelief. "[Laughing.] Ow! [Stands.] I landed on my hip." Riley said. "What the hell? I thought I was bitten." Ellie said. "I know. [Smiling.] It was kind of awesome. [Pause. Ellie keeps her blade trained on Riley.] Well, you're not gonna kill me are you?" Riley asks. "[Putting the blade back under her pillow.] I haven't seen you in I don't even know how long." Ellie said. Forty-five days. Well, forty-six... technically. Wanna know what I've been up to?" Riley asks.

"All this time... I thought you were dead." Ellie said. "Yeah. Here, [Removes her pendant from her neck. Passing it to Ellie.] Look." Riley said. "[Looks at the pendant.] No way." Ellie said. "[Looks at Ellie's bunk bed.] Still no roommate? I had to sleep under Liz for three years and you know how much that girl smells." Riley said. "[Turns over the pendant, revealing the Firefly insignia.] You're a Firefly." Ellie said. "[Pulls a picture of her and Ellie from the wall.] You still have it up." Riley said. [Ellie rushes past her, opening the door, checking the hallway.] "Wha- What are you doing?" Riley asks. "[Closing the door.] I'm making sure I don't get caught with a Firefly in my room." Ellie said. "Relax. There are no soldiers on the entire floor." Riley said.

"[Passing the pendant back.] Here. Congrats." Ellie said. "Hey! [Grabs Ellie's arm.] Are we cool?" Riley asks. "[Snatches her arm free.] 'Are we cool?'" Ellie asks. "I disappeared and you're mad. [Ellie scoffs.] And... I owe you an explanation. Let's get out of here and I'll tell you all about it." Riley said. "It's almost morning. And I have military drills. You know, where we learn how to kill Fireflies." Ellie explained. "[Tossing Ellie a pair of pants.] Put some pants on and let's go." Riley said. "[Getting dressed.] This is so dumb." Ellie said. "[Leaving the room.] Come on. When have we ever gotten into trouble?" Riley asks. [The screen cuts to black. It then reopens to Ellie, Zia and Little Creek in a rundown ice cream parlor in the Colorado Mountain Plaza, 3 months later, frantically searching through several draws. Joel lies unconscious on the ground, still bleeding out from his stomach wound sustained at the University. Callus and Storm are by the ice cream stand.]

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