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Alone and Forsaken

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Alone and Forsaken

Zitkala's POV

[The chapter opens by continuing with the rest of the cinematic "He ain't even hurt". It cuts to a rainy highway with abandoned cars then a view of the street, as the pickup truck speeds past. The scene cuts to inside the truck. A tired Joel drives, briefly rubbing his eyes. He is then startled at the sound of Ellie in the backseat with Zitkala and Little Creek.] "Oh, man." Ellie said. "[Looks through the rear-view mirror.] Hey, what happened to sleeping?" Joel asks. "[Scoffs. She sits up] Okay, I know it doesn't look like it, [Lifts the comic book.] but this here is not a bad read. Only one problem. Right there. [Points to a page.] 'To be continued!' [Groans.] I hate cliff hangers." Ellie said. "[Looks over.] Where did you get that?" I ask. "Uhh, [Nervously.] back at Bill's. I mean, all this stuff was just lying there." Ellie said. "[Sigh.] What else did you get?" Little Creek asks. "[Smiles.] Well... [She rummages in her backpack and pulls out a cassette.] Here. This make you all nostalgic?" Ellie asks.

"Y'know, [Takes the cassette.] That is actually before my time. [Chuckles.] That is a winner though. [Puts the cassette into the truck's player and "I'll Never Get out of This World Alive" by Hank Williams begins to play.] Oh, man..." Joel said. "Well, better than nothing. Oh, [She looks in the backpack.] I'm sure your friend will be missing this tonight. [Pulls out a magazine.]" Ellie said. "[Inattentive.] Um-hum." Joel said. "Do you think we should tell them?" Little Creek asks looking at me. "I think we should wait until I'm further along. Because If I lose the baby I don't want them to worry." I said looking at Little Creek causing him to nod his head in agreement. "[Opens the magazine.] Light on the reading, but it's got some interesting photos." Ellie said.

"[Joel looks through the rear-view mirror, shocked. Briefly turns back.] Now, Ellie. That ain't for kids." I spoke up. "[Holds the magazine sideways.] Whoa! [Shows Joel, Zitkala and Little Creek.] How... how the hell would he even walk around with that thing?" Ellie asks. "[Tries to grab the magazine.] Get rid of that! Throw it out the window!" Little Creek said. "Hold your horses, I wanna see what all the fuss is about. Oh... why are these all stuck together?" Ellie asks.

"[Looks in the rear-view mirror.] Um..." Joel said. "[Laughs.] I'm just fucking with you. [Lowers the window and tosses out the magazine.] Bye-bye, dude!" Ellie said. [The scene cuts to outside the car, driving down the rainy highway. On the right of the highway, a big street sign says "76 West, Pittsburgh, 242 Miles". The scene cuts back inside of the truck, Ellie climbs into the front passenger seat.]

"[Looks at Joel.] You know what? [Faces forward.] This isn't that bad. [Turns up music volume.]" Ellie said. "Why don't you try to get some sleep, all right?" Joel said. "Pft--I'm not even tired." Ellie said. [The scene cuts to Ellie sleeping with Joel still driving beside her. It is now daytime and the rain has stopped Zitkala had her head resting on Little Creek's shoulder. The music has changed: now it's "Alone and Forsaken" by Hank Williams. Ellie and Zitkala wakes up as Joel begins to slow the truck down.]

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