30: Sequel

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I know most of us are very sad that the trauma is finally over (?) but all I can say is this was a memorable journey. When I decided to write start writing my first ever ship ff aka Crimson, I was giving my 12th boards lol! I just started writing to relieve my stress and anxiety and never actually thought of writing a second or even a third part. I just ended up writing a cringy cheesy typical Jeongcheol ff (and that's why I may or may not rewrite Crimson with less smut and better plot twist and I'll let you know if I ever do that). Ok so Crimson luckily blew off and it's still my most read FF and I'm actually glad it did because then I thought of writing another part which most writers do because the first one blew off, the second one may as well gain popularity too (as if that happens lol!). Since I was struggling with my mental health a lot at that time I thought of turning my problems and trauma into a fictional form and that's how the legendary villain Aerin Nicole Park came  (yeah, she's nothing but my fictional form). She gained A LOT of hate in Ruby and honestly that was my goal. Ruby blessed me with a bunch of devoted readers who started encouraging me by commenting on each chapter and I'm so grateful to them. You people hear me? I love you to the moon and back.While writing Ruby, Scarlet was already planned. In Scarlet Aerin became everyone favourite and I'm glad people always saw her as a powerful villain but someone who isn't conventionally heartless and evil, rather she's also a victim of society and fate. And your love and appreciation for her made me feel somewhat happy and comforted.

Now if I talk about the characters I have used colour theory, specially for the titles. But in case you don't know, the names of the Red Trilogy which are Crimson, Ruby and Scarlet. These all are shades of Red which is Seungcheol's favourite colour both in the story and irl. Crimson was the colour of Seungcheol's room back in Toronto which was completely opposite of Jeonghan's plain bland room. That room was where their affair started and Jeonghan broke up with Seungcheol in that room before leaving for Korea with Aerum. But Jeonghan always compared Crimson aka Seungcheol as the colour to his colourless bland life.

If you read Ruby, you may think it's actually about Aerin and her obsession for Jeonghan's favourite Ruby which is Seungcheol and that's actually a reason. Ruby is also the stone of the earring that Aerin wore when she met Seungcheol at the party. So Ruby signifies obsession, lust and temptation. But at the end you see Ruby is actually a keyword to the next book Scarlet.

And if you see the colour scheme Crimson, Ruby and Scarlet are the three shades of red which are very close yet different. Ruby is a bit darker than Crimson and Scarlet is the darkest shade which signifies that the image of each character is becoming darker and the story is becoming even more gloomy and disturbing. Also the colour Scarlet is very close to the colour of Blood which expresses the fact that this story is the deadliest. And at the end everything ended in the infamous Crimson room, where it all started.

And you may have seen Aerin wears red earrings the night he met Seungcheol, red is the colour of passion and desire. I have often mentioned Aerin wears purple a lot, because purple represents royalty. Also the day she killed herself and Seungcheol, she's wearing blue which is the colour of sadness.

Also the story ends on 18 September which is today aka Aerin's birthday. And the ending is basically an open ending, you may think it's just their imagination because of the letters or probably Aerin is alive somewhere? Or her doppelganger?

This story helped me a lot with my trauma and somewhat healed me. So thank you to whoever was there with me in this journey, I hope y'all will always give me your honest opinion and let me know if y'all actually like it or not, I would rather love an honest opinion than a sugar coated lie. And thanks to the people who were my inspiration for the characters including Keeho, Seungcheol, Ruby, Mingyu and Joshua.

If you are a Carat,stream Darling,darling~(Vernon why would you say that😭🛐)

And also Hot,World and Dream.

Stream Super and show your love to FML, a fucking masterpiece you created Woozi. And stream Sara Sara and Ima. Let's hope for Seungcheol's speedy recovery and also I'm super excited for the October CB.

I'm currently working on Limerence, hoping to start it from our angel Hannie's birthday.

Now for the Q&A part related to Red Trilogy,shoutout to Yoonsu1999 and coups_love for the questions.

Q1 for Author: Why after 15 years?

Simply because I wanted to show that they all did a lot of wrong stuff in their 20s, they faced their Karma, learnt from it and decided to live a brighter life. This is just like a lesson for everyone in general that you can always repent on your mistakes and have a far better life.

Q2 for Seonghwa: Keeho got out before Han and Han got out after 5 years then why Park Seonghwa waited more than 10 years to deliver those letters to them?

Lol because that's what Aerin wanted. Dude wanted me to watch over them for decade and confirm that they aren't going evil shits again. And even though I still hate that woman with all my guts but since she was dying, I had to fulfill her wish.

Q3 for Yunho: And also we knew Aerin only got 6 months after keeho shot her in her head, then how could she manage to live two years for cheol?

Because I'm a renowned doctor. I worked hard and CONVINCED that woman to take chemotherapy and other necessary medications so that she could live a few years more. But alas! Couldn't save her for too long. When she killed herself, she only had one month left anyways.

Q4 for Aerin: Did Aerin leave any letter for her mother?

I wanted to, but I didn't actually. She never really cared about me anyways, she took me as a caretaker for her brand. So I didn't bother to let her know lol!

Q5 for Author: Who is the CEO of Choi Industries and Nicole Matin's brand now ?

Their parents actually,until they die. After their death, probably someone they trust will take over their respective company.

Q6 for Seungcheol: What about Seungcheol's foster family?

Well my mother died soon after my death. And my foster father is still living, for how long idk?

Q7 for Aerin: I was actually confused why Aerin killed Ruby?

*Ruby side-eyeing Aerin*

What? That was a mistake. I thought Ruby was just straight up copying me and I felt irritated. I thought Keeho was with her just because she was imitating me. I was wrong and I'm sorry for that.

Q8 for Aerin: When and how did Aerin got cancer.Did anyone else know about it?

No duh!I didn't tell anyone. That's how villians live dude. We live fast and die young.

Q9 for Aerin: How did Aerin not die after being shot?Who saved her?

Nobody honey, I didn't get saved. I litreally died, that was another bitch.

Q10 for Author: And most important you said Aerin and the female character in your next FF story is kind of the same. So is the women Han and keeho saw the same women from next FF?

*The mysterious woman after kicking tf outta Author's ass and pushing her out of the frame*

Author wasn't letting me spoil anything but I'll do it anyways. Yup it was me, I just had a guest appearance and this is upto you people, if you want to see me in a spin off book or not.


Ok so that was it, thanks for being with me on the journey and I'm extremely grateful to you. The spin off 'Carmine' has already started, make sure to give it a try.

And about my birthday, I spent it well with family and friends even though I left home at 7 and came back at 8 at night🙂. But it went well altogether.

Scarlet officially ends here.

Thank You💎

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