Running away (1)

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Third Person:

Sirius dragged himself out of bed, his body sore from enduring his parents' cruelty for hours. Each step was a painful reminder of why he needed to leave. He couldn't bear another day of the relentless torment, not for being a Gryffindor and certainly not for loving Remus Lupin, despite his parents' disdain.

As he packed his trunk with determination, Sirius couldn't shake the feeling of urgency. He had to convince Regulus to come with him; they couldn't continue living like this.

In Regulus's room, amidst the comfort of his book, Sirius's sudden declaration startled him. "We're leaving."

Regulus's mind raced with questions. "Leaving? What's going on, Siri?"

"I'm running away, and you're coming with me. Start packing," Sirius urged, his eyes reflecting a mix of determination and desperation.

"But I can't just leave. They'll come after us," Regulus protested, his concern for Sirius's safety evident.

"We'll figure it out. But you have to come," Sirius insisted, undeterred by Regulus's apprehension.

As Regulus hesitated, Sirius's resolve only grew stronger. "If you won't pack, I'll do it for you. And if you resist, I'll make you."

Caught between loyalty to his brother and fear of the unknown, Regulus weighed the risks and rewards of fleeing with Sirius.

- Escape from the torment
- Relief from the oppressive atmosphere
- Opportunity for a fresh start with Sirius

- Leaving behind everything familiar
- Uncertainty about their future
- Potential danger from their family's pursuit

With a heavy heart, Regulus realized he had no choice. "Fine, I'll come with you," he relented.

Relieved, Sirius wasted no time. "Great, let's go!" he exclaimed, eager to leave their troubled past behind.

As they slipped out into the chilly night, Regulus shivered, wishing he had dressed warmer. "Siri, can I ride in your pocket?"

Sirius blinked in surprise. "How would you fit?"

Regulus hesitated, then confessed, "I'm an animagus... A small black kitten."

Accepting this revelation, Sirius scooped up Regulus. "Well, that explains a lot," he chuckled, holding his brother close.

Nestled in Sirius's pocket, Regulus found comfort and warmth, eventually drifting off to sleep.

Startled awake by their arrival at the Potters', Regulus groggily protested the disturbance, longing to return to his dreams.

I don't know who the art at the top belongs too.
I hope that was good. Thanks to humans who read this. 👍

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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