Chapter 9

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  "Welcome back Josie, it's been a long time."

"Yes, it has doctor, about 6 years since last time."

"Wow, that would make you 24."

"Almost yes. In a couple of weeks, I will be."

"That's great. So, this will be our last follow-up."

"Yes, unfortunately, it's been great to see you, catch up on things, and reminisce on my journey so far."

"You're not the first person who's said that."

"Oh, I thought I was unique," we both laughed at that.

"Right, to business, how is everything going."

6 years since the last time I was in this office, 10 years since the first time. I've come a long way. I started as a nervous, unsure kid, having to make the biggest decision of my life to that point. Now I'm a strong, confident, successful young woman, with a great boyfriend, a good job, and a great future for when I retire from playing. My life isn't perfect but I'm happy to be a woman.

Milly and Nate got married last month, I know they're young, but they are still so in love and are great together. It was a great day; Stacy and I were bridesmaids and Arthur was in the groom's party. Nate had a couple of little cousins who got to be part of the wedding too. One of the kids had the cutest dress for the wedding, it brought back memories for me.

"Hi, my name is Josie, what's yours?"

"Hi Josie, I'm Ava. You look very pretty."

"Thanks, so do you," they had a big smile when I said that. "Do you like looking pretty?"

"Yes, it's nice. Mum and Dad are so good about it, and they let me be pretty whenever I want."

"That's nice, Milly was like that when she was younger. Seeing you brings back memories for me, I was a flower kid like you when I was young."

"Really, that's cool. So, if I want, I can grow up to be as pretty as you and Milly?"

"Yes honey, you can if you want."

"Um, do you like being a girl?"

"Yes, I do. It's perfect for me. I'm happy as a woman."

They smiled at me, hugged me then went to talk to their mum, who smiled at me too. I could see them swaying and twirling around the room as often as they could, it brought back memories.

As we walked down the aisle, Ava throwing flower petals from a cute basket they carried, I looked around the hall. I saw my family sitting with Stacy's, my brother was looking quite handsome in his suit, he was single right now but he's not without girls and boys interested in him. Still looking, I saw Milly's family sitting at the front, her mum crying a little. On the other side were Nate's family, and Arthur's family, it was nice to see them smiling. As we neared the front I focused on where I was going, I saw the boys, looking very sharp standing there waiting for us. Arthur was the best-looking though, not that I'm biased or anything. The ceremony was beautiful, and the reception was so much fun. I spent a lot of time dancing with Arthur and the girls, including Ava. At the end of the night, Milly threw her bouquet, Stacy played interference so I would catch it. She winked at me after I did.

"I aimed for you," said Milly. "You and Arthur are so good together, I think it's about time you consider getting the paperwork sorted. Plus, I'm sure your mum would love to go dress shopping with you. Mine did, and I know you had fun helping me."

"Did you and Stacy have this planned?"

"Not planned, more like we had the same idea," she smiled at me, then hugged me. "I'll see you in a couple of weeks. Don't get up to mischief without me."

"Never, it won't be as fun without you," Milly spoke to Stacy, and then the rest of the guests. Afterwards, she left with Nate for their honeymoon.

"You know you didn't have to do that."

"I know," said Stacy. "I just wanted to give you a little hint as to what we think. Your parents agree."

"They do?"

"Yes, Arthur is part of the family already, might as well make it official. Besides you two already have that cute apartment together, I don't see any reason not to."

"I don't know what Arthur thinks."

"Yes, you do, you just don't want to admit it. Anyway, it's your call but you know where we sit."

We chatted with different people as we got ready to leave.

Arthur and I caught a taxi home.

"You look good with those flowers," said Arthur holding my hand in the back of the taxi.

"Thanks, my friends kind of conspired to get it to me."

"Not just them, a few people did. I know Maddie and Hannah were in on it too."

"Really! What do you think about it though."

"It's a silly superstition."

"I know that. That's not what I'm asking."

"You mean about us getting married."

"Yes, duh."

He smiled at me, "I like that idea. Like I said at the ball, I never want to be without you. I still don't. I want you to be officially part of my family, and I want to be part of yours. I know we are in practice, but I want it to be official."

"Are you asking me to marry you?"

"I'm saying it's something I want to do."

"That's something I want as well."

"So, will you marry me?"

"Will you marry me?"

"You already know that answer."

"So do you."

"So, I want to marry you."

"I want to marry you."

"Then it's a, yes?"

"It's a yes." We both had tears in our eyes, we kissed each other deeply, completely in love and so happy to be together. He was right about something else, the ball kiss was only my best to that night, but this one was definitely better.

After a good night's sleep, we messaged our parents over breakfast. Mum rang within minutes and nearly broke my ear drum after I answered the phone. His mum was slightly more restrained, I didn't have any ringing in my ears after talking to her. Milly messaged me with a big congratulations and a photo from the airport. Stacy was happy for us, and so was her new boyfriend, well boyfriend of a couple of years.

My journey began 10 years ago, with a lot of nerves and a big decision. Now I'm a woman in love, with a great job, a great ongoing education, and a handsome fiancé with a career he loves. I have great friends and family; I made the right decision all those years ago.

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