It was a damp, cold day in the seaside town of Brighton. Shannen had just finished off her last grape when the train screeched into the station. The doors edged open and out came two passengers. The first, a man, with glasses that hung off his nose and a comb-over. Shannen’s eyes widened with horror at the sight of him. Was her mother right? Was Eliza really just someone working for a paedophile ring? As the man approached, Shannen thought of ways she could escape his grasp. The first being, bite his fingers. However, he got to Shannen but simply walked past without talking a look at her.
The second passenger got off. She was a girl about 16 years old, with long, thick, brown hair that swept like Hermione Granger’s. Shannen saw her and pulled an extremely scary face at her. To a stranger, someone would think she had issues. She does but- anyway back to the story. To the girl who got off the train, this is what they had been talking about on Skype. Eliza ran towards Shannen and pulled a face of pride.
“Creepy Lestrade” she said.
Shannen burst out laughing and hugged Eliza. They then both got out their phones and typed the exact same thing:
@GeneralNerdy We are with each other, neither of us are paedophiles.
They beamed at each other and left the station. In the first ten minutes they had discussed many things from typos, to Sherlock Season 3 and most of all, Shaliza. This was the “ship” they had between each other, e.g. Brad & Angelina, Brangelina. Shannen & Eliza, Shaliza.
After walking along the puddled streets of Brighton, Eliza decided for them to go and get coffee. She wanted a Double, Skinny, Mocha, Choca, Caramelato Frappe, and Shannen wanted a King Tango. They walked into Café Nero and embraced the smell of cocoa beans. They got to the desk and both their faces dropped in utter shock.
Standing right in front of both of them was someone whom they had loved for years.
Standing right in front of them, was Laurence Rickard.