Delicate - ☆

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> Dive bar on the east side wya, come here you can meet me in the back. :)

I slowly drifted into sleep when my phone lit up my nightstand in the black. It was 10:30pm, Who could possibly be messaging me at this time?

I squinted my eyes as I adjusted to the bright light, reading the message on the screen.

A smile creeped its way onto my face when I realised who had sent the message.
It was him, the guy who had a funny accent and pulled me in with his magnetic force during the met gala. Joe Alwyn.

Honestly, I didn't expect him to message me let alone ask to meet up after what i'm being dragged through right now. My reputation's never been worse.

I quickly type out a response, hopping out of bed to throw on a tight black skirt and a slightly transparent black top - along with a dark blue jacket.

> I'll see you in ten.

I put on some light makeup and headed out the door.

"Go to the dive bar on the east side." I told my driver.

"But Miss Swift there's no security and-"

"Its okay, don't worry about me. Just drive please."


I nervously pick at my fingers on the way there. What would he think of me? What if I say something wrong?

My thoughts were pushed away as my driver announced that we arrived. I thanked him and stepped out of the car, making my way towards the bar.

"Hey Taylor! Over here."

I heard a familiar voice and turned around, facing Joe. He wore casual attire, dark jeans and nikes. How did he make such a simple outfit look so good?

I sat down as he smiled at me - showing his dimples. Could he get any more gorgeous? I stare into his ocean blue eyes for an embarrassing long time. I've never seen that colour blue before.

He began to order drinks for us whilst I unconsciously twirl my short blonde hair.

"So.. how have you been?"

I lower my head, "I could be better. With all of this shit happening, I don't really know what to do anymore."

"What happened? Fill me in."

"You really don't know? Haven't you seen all of the snakes, headlines and tweets?" I asked - a shocked look painting my face.

Joe smiles slightly, "I don't listen to the media Taylor, in fact I haven't gone onto social media for the past few weeks."

"Even if I were to see something about you, I wouldn't listen to it because the rumors are terrible and cruel - but none of them are true."

I nod my head and smile at his words. Maybe I will become good friends with him.
He notices me playing with my hands in my lap and puts his hand over mine.

"You can talk to me Taylor, I promise I don't bite." He chuckled.

"I know." I said quietly.

Soon, the drinks arrived. After each mojito, I started to become more comfortable with Joe - probably because I was drunk. We exchanged childhood stories and giggled at silly inside jokes for over an hour. It was like we were the only two people in the world, and right now nothing else mattered.

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