Chapter Eighteen

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Harry puts the car in park as we get to the bar we found from earlier. We get out and go inside to see it's crowded but not too bad. We order some drinks and sit together on the uncomfortable bar stools. When the bartender gave us our drinks I thank him and take a sip. "This is good. What is this?" He asks. It's a drink that I got for us.

"It's crown apple and cranberry juice. One of my favorite drinks." I reply. He nods in agreement to that and takes another sip. "Do you like fruity drinks?" I ask him with a smirk.

"On occasion...yes." He chuckles at me. We have a good time, drinking, talking, before he leaves to use the bathroom. Some time had passed and I'm still waiting. This is taking longer than it should just to use the bathroom. Feeling concerned, I get up and head towards the bathrooms. As soon as I walked into the hallway, there he stood with a girl. His hands were on her waist as her hands cup his cheeks.

He looks over at me and his eyes widen. I just shake my head and walk outside. I'm not mad or anything. I'm just very hurt. "Charlie," he grabs my arm and turns me to face him. I'm scared to look him in the eyes because if I do then he'd see the hurt in them. "Darling, look at me." He tries forcing me to look him in the eyes but I refuse.

"It's okay Harry I'm not mad. We never officially said we were dating so you're free to do whatever you want." I say. Which is true. I've got no right being mad or jealous when we aren't together. This time I look in his eyes and see the worry in them.

"No you're not understanding," he starts. "She's a fan that recognized me and I'm pretty sure she's drunk. I was pushing her away, that's what you saw."

"Seriously?" I ask. "You don't have to lie or tell me some cliche reason why when you can have anyone you want." I laugh painfully.

"Oh my good!" He yells. "Don't you realize that I don't want anyone else? I want you. I wanted you when we met, I want you now, and forever. And sure I could probably have anyone I want but none of them are you. It's you Charlie. I love you." He lets out and there's this feeling in my chest that I've never felt before.

I'm stupid and it makes me feel worse that I blew this whole thing out of proportion. "I love you much." I reply and he lets out a breath before hugging me.

"It's time we have that talk. Because I do want you to be my girlfriend." He says and I nod. We decide to leave and just call it a night. After getting home neither of us said much other than goodnight and just went right to bed.

The next morning I got up early and made some breakfast to apologize for acting like a child last night. He came into the kitchen right before it got done and smiled at me. "Good morning." I smile.

"Good morning," he sits down at the table and I give him his food and some coffee. "I didn't know you knew how to cook."

"I don't but I tried for you. This is an apology for acting so stupid last night." I assure him. He motions for me to come over to him and I do. That's when he pulls me onto his lap and plants a kiss on my lips.

"You're not stupid but jealous looks good on you." He smirks. I playfully roll my eyes and go finish my breakfast. I'm determined to make today a good one. No drama or fighting on this trip like we promised each other at the start. We have a good breakfast and then leave to go shopping and sightseeing.

The day goes by so quickly but perhaps that was because we were having so much fun. By the time we knew it, night time comes around and we started a fire in the small fire pit out in the backyard of this house. We sit, cuddled up next to each other, at the fire. His arm is wrapped protectively around me. I'm wearing his hoodie, with a blanket draped over us because it's cold tonight. But it's perfect for a fire.

"Charlie," he says my name softly. I hum in response. His head rests on top of mine as we're holding each other close. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. A stupid wide smile creeps up onto my face at his question. I turn to face him, his eyes staring back into mine.

"Of course. I'd love to be your girlfriend."

He smiles and gives me a sweet kiss. I pull away and smile at him. "I guess this means I'm officially dating Harry Styles." I chuckle. He laughs.

"I guess it does." He replies before resting his head back on mine. It's such a beautiful night. The stars in the sky, moon reflecting off the ocean, and the greatest guy in the world sitting right next to me. This is a moment to remember forever. It feels like everything we've been through or have ever said, was all worth it because it only lead to this point.

When it got late we both got into bed and he held me close to him. His fingers ran through my hair as he looks at me with nothing but love and happiness. His eyes sparkle so much when he's happy and it's such a beautiful thing to look at. "I'm so lucky to have you." He whispers. "And before you say I'm the lucky one. I need you to understand what I mean. I've never met a girl like you before." He says. "You're perfect, you're always putting others before yourself, and light up an entire room with your smile. Not to mention your smile is what starts my entire day in the morning."

He smiles when seeing the blush rise on my cheeks. He kisses my forehead and caresses my cheek. "You're the sweetest man alive, Styles." I grin and his smile grows. He truly believes he's the lucky one but he doesn't understand how amazing it is to be able to spend everyday with him. He's the perfect one.

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