Chapter Twenty-Four

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We arrive at the club where you can hear the music blasting from outside. The line is pretty much wrapped around the building. We walk hand in hand towards the line. "The line is pretty long, we can go somewhere else." I say to him. He shakes his head no. He told me that he's friends with the people who work at this club, that's why he chose this one. He also has bodyguards everywhere so we should have a great time tonight.

We get inside and see the place is crowded full of people having a good time or so drunk they won't remember. He takes me over to the bar where we order a drink. We make some small talk before the bartender hands us our drinks. "I'm glad we decided to come out tonight," he shouts over the blasting music.

"Me too. I'm just ready to have a good time." I agree. We talk and finish our drink before heading out onto the dance floor. We started dancing around each other, him laughing at how I really can't dance. We're having a good time and that's all I wanted. It seems like the two of us can't leave the house without something messing it up. This time I'm determined for us to just relax and not have any worries in the world.

The song eventually changed, and it's certainly a dirty song. It just started but the word sex has been mentioned at least four times. A lot of the couples here tonight start dirty dancing and grinding against each other. I smirk. Harry raises an eyebrow at me as I place my finger under his chin, forcing him to look me in the eyes. I turn around, my back against his chest. I start slowly grinding my body against his. He grabs my hips, trying to hold me in place.

He spins me around and pulls my body so close to his, there isn't any space between us. We begin dancing against each other. I completely got lost in the moment that the world around us seemed to fade away. His hand is on my waist and the other is holding one of my hands. He spins me around pulling me closer again, our faces inches apart. His eyes never leave mine as we dance together. When the song ends, he closes the space between us in a passionate kiss.

After we pull away, I decide that I need a drink. We get another round and sit down at the bar to drink. "You should be careful when you dance like that." He tells me before taking a sip of his drink. I frown.

"Why?" I laugh confused.

"Like I said before," he leans in close, his lips against my ear. "I can't control myself when it comes to you."

I blush and look down at the drink in my hands. He chuckles and wraps his arm around me. We continue on having a great night until it's too late and I'm slightly drunk. I've drank way more than I probably should have. He didn't drink too much and drove us home. Not the greatest choice from either of us. "I'm hungry." I say in my half drunken state. He smiles and stops to get me food. I thank him and eat the food he bought for me.

In the past my friends have always told me that when I'm drunk, I get super flirty and although I'm not completely drunk, I don't know what I'm gonna do. I rest my hand on his thigh as he drives and he grabs me, holding my hand in his. "Harry," I mumble.

"What?" He asks, his eyes never leaving the road in front of us.

"I don't think that food is sitting well with me." I let out. His eyes widen and he looks over at me.

"We're almost home, can you wait?" He asked and I shake my head no. He finds a safe place to pull over where I immediately open my door and climb out. The vomiting and hangovers are reasons I'm not such a huge drinker. I got that awful feeling in my stomach, the one you get when you know you're about to vomit.

He rushes to my side and holds my hair back for me. This is not how I saw the night going and I'm pretty sure that if I hadn't eaten that food then I wouldn't have puked. "You alright, love?" He asks when I finally stop. I wipe my mouth with a napkin he handed me, wanting nothing more than to brush my teeth and go to bed. I nod my head yes before we continue our way home.

Once we got through the front door I went to brush my teeth and lay down. When I walked out of the bathroom, he stood beside the bed, wearing nothing but the pants he had on all night. I really need to go to bed but because I'm a flirty drunk, that's the last thing on my mind. I crawl into bed and watch him as he throws his discarded shirt onto the chair that sits in front of the window.

He starts to unbuckle his belt but stops when he sees how intently I was watching him. "Like what you see?" He smirks.

"I love what I see." A chuckle escapes my lips.

"Drunk or slightly drunk, I'm not sleeping with you tonight." He tells me. He sees the puppy dog eyes I'm giving him as he discards his pants to the floor. He climbs into bed and towers over me. His face inches from mine. "I'm not very fond of taking advantage of girls who are drunk." He whispers. He kisses my forehead and smiles. "Goodnight love," he lays down and closes his eyes.

So much for trying to be flirty. I sigh while laying down beside him. His back is facing me so I wrap my arm around him. He rests his arm on mine and holds my hand tightly. He's probably right anyway, it wouldn't be a good idea to do anything tonight. Instead we both just cuddled until falling asleep.

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