Chapter Two

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Dom listened intently as Letty's brother explained to them why she'd gotten into that situation.

He'd wanted to punch Rubén quite a few times as he spoke to them, mainly because he blindly trusted Owen Shaw.

What made Dom control himself was the fact that Rubén only wanted his father to be okay, and when fate puts you in the kind of position when you need to accept the help you're being offered, you can only do so much.

He remembered the way he felt when his mother had died, just as Alejandro 'cause of cancer. He was angry with the world and he felt helpless at the sight of his father with his head in his hands, trying to keep everything together without his wife.

Mia was quieter than she'd ever been, she'd only speak in monosyllabes and she wasn't as smiley as she used to be.

When their father was taken from their world too, their entire lives changed.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, and Dom was put behind bars for almost killing the man who had caused his father's death.

Dom's only light in both times had been Letty.

Letty had entered his life because she was Mia's bestfriend, and from the first time he saw her, his heart had skipped a few beats.

He ignored the feeling for months, telling himself that he was attracted to her just because she was into cars, because she wasn't one to let you bullshit around, because she was defiant and would make you sweat to see her smile.

As months went by, Letty came over to help in the garage and they immediately bonded to the point he'd find himself staring at her multiple times, and sometimes Dom would catch her staring as well.

He was getting so addicted to her that her pouty lips and her perfect body was all Dom could think about, and when they kissed for the first time, they'd been practically attached to the hip.

But again, life has a way of changing one's plans, and during his prison years Dom had been forced to break both their hearts by breaking up with her.

"'No, no, no, no, man this shit is serious, I don't know If we can do it alone", Brian shook his head in concern.

"You wanna know Owen Shaw really is? The guy was a Major in the Special Air Service, he has informants everywhere, FBI, DEA, DSS, CIA, he has people running cartels for him", Brian added.

Dom's face hardened as he ran a hand over his head, "When did you receive the picture?" he asked, directing his attention back to Rubén.

"Two days ago".

"Maybe I can get Hobbs to help us out", Elena offered knowing that Luke might consider helping them since they were close friends during her time working for him.

"As soon as he understands we're on his ass, the guy's gonna kill Letty, so when we make a move, we've got to be fast, precise and silent", Leon pointed out.

"So we have to track down a guy who's basically able to disappear in thin air, but we can't involve anybody else 'cause other than being useless it would get Letty killed?" Vince snorted.

"Not necessarily", Jesse spoke for the first time, drawing the whole team's attention.

"Go ahead", Dom encouraged, hoping Jesse would really bring some solid informations to the table.

"I've got a hacker friend, she created this device that can track basically anything. As soon as you set foot outside, that thing is able to see you".

"So what's the catch?" Mia anticipated.

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