Chapter Four

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The team had been driving for fourteen hours, and sometime between two a.m and three a.m they had decided to stop.

The hard task had been convincing Dom, who of course, was eager to reach Mexico, insisting that they needed to reach Letty as soon as possible to get her safe.

Earlier that night.

"Dom you know I normally wouldn't fight you, I care about Letty, too. But there's still ten more hours to go brother, and I know you're tired too", Brian had tried to reasonate through the phone as they were still driving, but Dom was having none of it.

As Dom was about to speak Mia's voice cut in, "Dom, if we keep driving any of us could fall asleep against their will. It's dangerous and the way I see it, it's better not to cause any more problems than we already have. Letty's a clever girl, and she'll be okay. Let's get a few hours of rest, then we can drive all the way to Mexico and we'll do whatever we have to get Letty back with us", Mia coaxed as her brother sighed on the other end of the phone.

"All right but not more than a few hours", Dom chastisised.

They had divided into a few groups to share their rooms in a hotel but instead of stopping to get into hers, Mia walked to reach her brother's one, knowing very well he had chosen to be alone because he was way too tense to just lay down and sleep.

"I'll be back in a minute", she wispered to Brian, as he nodded his head sleepily.

She softly knocked on the door, waiting for Dom to let her step in.

"What are you doing here?", Dom asked her as she got in.

"I wanted to talk to you", she answered, as Dom silently waited for her to speak

For some reason, this very situation reminded Mia of the first time Dom had finally admitted his feelings for Letty.

Mia's flashback.

As Mia sat in her father's office to sort out their bills, she could hear her brother absentmindedly slamming tools as he worked on a car.

She had heard the sound so many times it had become irritating, and when Dom didn't stop, Mia got up and leaned on the hood of the door with her arms crossed over her chest, staring at his back.

Dom must have sensed her eyes on him, because he had suddenly snapped, "What, Mia?".

"Dom you either cut it or spit out what's going on, my ears are gonna bleed if you keep throwing the tools away".

"You know, dad is not coming back until later, Vince is away with his mom, and now that Letty left too, I'm gonna have to work faster to finish all the work in time".

'Interesting', Mia thought.

"So you're mad because you'll have to work more or because Letty left with a guy?", she challanged, her eyebrow playfully arching.

Dom turned towards his sister with a horrified expression, before quickly answering, "What? What does Letty have to do with any of this?", he played dumb.

"I don't know, it's just that until she was here you were all smiley and cool, then you saw the guy and well, it looks like it put you in a bad mood", she shrugged.

"Bullshit", Dom grunted out, bending over the hood of the car again to avoid Mia's eyes.

"Dom, why don't you admit it at least to yourself?".

"Admit what, Mia?".

"That you like Letty".

"Oh God, what is it with you today? Do you hear yourself Mia?" Dom denied.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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